17~ A Big Weirdo

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As the youngest tribe leader in the history of all the wolf tribes, not only was he powerful, but he was also handsome.

Li Wei had decided to take him as her 30th mate the moment she set eyes on him.

She was the best-looking female in the tribe. Countless males had fought for her and she was confident in herself.


When she saw Shuang Yun walk in, Li Wei immediately leaned over, her huge breasts brushing against his arm.

Shuang Yun stiffened slightly.

Thinking he was being shy, Li Wei couldn’t help but gloat. “Are you here to help me vent my anger? I knew you were a tough-talking but soft-hearted male. Even though you’re cold on the outside, you’ve always cared about me!”

Lin Huanhuan covered her face, not daring to look anymore.

Given how disgusted Shuang Yun was with females, Li Wei’s actions were suicidal!

Sure enough, in the next second, everyone saw Shuang Yun throw Li Wei to the side.

He was extremely strong and fast, not showing the female any respect.

Shuang Yun aggressively rubbed his arm that had been touched. His thick eyebrows were furrowed, and his expression was extremely ugly. “If you touch me again, I’ll chop off your hand!”

Li Wei froze.

The other males froze too.

No male had ever been so vicious and heartless to a female.

Shuang Yun was really a big weirdo in the beast world!

Li Wei looked at Shuang Yun in disbelief. “How dare you do this to me? Are you still a male?!”

“Only my mate has the right to know if I’m a male. As for you…” Shuang Yun sneered, his dark green eyes devoid of emotion. “Get as far away from me as you can! The sight of you makes me nauseous!”

Li Wei had never been so humiliated.

She was trembling with rage, and her eyes were red-rimmed. “No one can bully me like this! You’ll regret it!”

With those harsh words, Li Wei ran off in tears.

Her two dozen plus male mates looked at each other, then they all left as well.

Shuang Yun glanced at Lin Huanhuan with the same disdainful look. “You were bullied at your doorstep. Don’t you know how to retaliate?!”

Lin Huanhuan was already used to being despised by him, so she did not feel too angry.

She said, “You were here before I could fight back.”

When Shuang Yun found out that Li Wei had come to find trouble with Lin Huanhuan, he immediately abandoned what he was doing and rushed over.

Of course, he kept these things to himself.

He snorted. “I just happened to be passing by and stopped by.”

Lin Huanhuan nodded. “I guessed so.”

She didn’t think that Shuang Yun, who hated females so much, would come to her rescue. She wasn’t nearly as narcissistic as Li Wei.

After being rebuked by her, his expression immediately turned very ugly.

“I’ve never seen a female as stupid as you!”

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