
Start from the beginning

Jin- Look, Suzy..... I am really sorry. I did a ver-

Suzy- Keep your sorry with you Mr. Kim. You very well, that I hate only 2 kind people. Liars and Rich People. And You are both!!

Jin- Suzy... I know I lied but atle--

Suzy- I don't want to hear a single word. Today, I am breaking all relations with you. From now, I am not your girlfriend!!! I am not your Best Friend!!! I am not even your friend!!!
Stay away from me and don't show your face ever again to me!!

She said and started walking away. Jin wanted to stop her, but his full body was frozen. He saw her going away and away from him.

Suddenly he felt like his legs lost all the strengths. They became numb. He fell on his knees while his tears were flowing from his eyes to his cheeks.

(Author- World Wide Cheeks 🤪)

Flashback Ends

YN looked at Jin with a sad face while he gave her a small smile.

YN- W..what happened afterwards?

Jin was about to say when suddenly Sarang started crying. He stood up and went to her.

Jin- Uh... I guess she is hungry. Guys you continue. I'll go and feed her.

He said and took Sarang in his arms and walked outside. YN looked at the rest when Namjoon spoke

Namjoon- Nancy Noona came out and saw Hyung. She understood what happened. She was also one of the person who knew Hyung's truth. She helped him to get back home.

Yoongi- When Hyung came back, he went to his room and locked himself in the room. We were all confused and more over worried.


The brothers looked at each other when they saw Jin running inside his room. They all saw his face which was filled with tears which made them worried. Seeing their Hyung cry was not one of the thing they wished to ever see, but alas! They had to see it today.

They all turned to Nancy who was still there.

Jungkook- Noona, what happened to you Hyung?

Nancy sighed and said

Nancy- Suzy got to know the truth

All the brothers widened their eyes in shock.

All 6- What?!!

Nancy- Yes and she broke up with Jin

All six of them stood their speechless. Yoongi covered his mouth in shock.

Hoseok- H....how?

He managed to ask. Nancy told them everything that happened in the club. After some time she also left to give them some time with their Hyung.

As soon as she left, they all ran to Jin's room. They all were knocking on the door telling Jin to open but neither the door opened not Jin replied to them.

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