Just A Secretary,Workplace AU PT 8

Start from the beginning

Miguel has been walking aimlessly for almost 1 hour. He is upset, angry even but not at you. He's mad at himself. He's so stupid to actually believe a woman like you would even consider him as a dating prospect. He really should've waited…but it's no use dwelling on it the damage has already been done. He checks his watch realizing it's already 3 am. He should really head back. Even if he sleeps in his car he's going to have to go back to take a shower and get ready. So it's no use. He's going to need all the sleep he can get especially since he'll have to give you the space that you need. He's experienced rejection before but it hurts coming from you. His last relationship didn’t end well they were together for almost 2 years before she called it quits. She felt like he was coming on too hard; she felt like he was too much. Despite his work, he always tried to make the time to see her, and he never failed to remind her each day how much he cared for her. He truly did think things were going well but apparently not Apparently she felt things were moving too fast and she felt smoldered. Was he really coming on too strong? To be honest, when it comes to you he felt like it wasn’t enough he felt like he could’ve done more for you. Your rejection is making him wonder if maybe he really just needs to back off and act like he doesn’t care when he really does.

He needs to forget about it. He has to have a clear head for the business event. The event consists of brunch, a winery, and mingling amongst a lot of powerful and honestly annoying businessmen. Businessmen from all around the world are coming to network and look for potential new partners, new deals, and new ways to make even more money. Truthfully he hesitated before asking you to come because of the amount of testosterone that is going to be in the room. He wouldn’t have allowed you to leave his side but because of recent events, you are free to do as you please.

Turning around to head back to the hotel he feels his phone vibrating in his pocket. He really doesn't want to deal with anyone right now. He ignores it until he feels his phone vibrating in his pocket again. He checks it reluctantly and stops when he sees the sun emoji pop up. Just Great

It's you….why are you texting him? He takes a deep breath before opening the messages.

I know you probably don't
wanna talk to me… but
just let me know that you're Okay

Please Miguel

He stares down at the messages before tucking his phone back into his pocket. He’s on his way back so you should be fine. Despite wanting to text you back he immediately picks up his pace hoping not to make you worry.

Finally making his way back up to the room he takes a deep breath before using his room key to unlock the door. Walking inside the room he freezes when he sees the bedroom light is still on. Fuck he wished that you were sleeping. He slowly walks by the bedroom but lets out a sigh of relief when he realizes that you’re sleeping. Slowly making his way over to you he crouches down and picks up your book from the floor making sure to bookmark where you left. Placing it on the nightstand he sees your phone open. He stands up to his full height and realizes that you were typing out a message to send him. He knows he shouldn’t look but he can’t help it.

I’m really sorry I messed things up but I wanna talk. I think we

You think you guys can do what?  He knew he shouldn’t have looked so he hastily turns off your phone. Your text-only leaves him eager to know more, to want more. But that's not the plan he needs to stay away he needs to distance himself from you. Turning around to leave his eyes land on you.

What the fuck are you wearing?

It looks like you’re wearing lingerie…. there's no way, right? At the angle you’re sleeping at your tits are just inches away from spilling out of the thin fabric. He instantly bends over and lifts the cover over you and he's supposed to share a bed with you looking like this? He walks over to his suitcase in the living room and grabs his own night clothes before heading into the shower.

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