Chapter 9

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It had been a month since Harry had told Marvalo he loved him. They had spent that month learning about each other. Now they were sitting in the living room with their makeshift family. Harry and Marvalo was sitting on a loveseat together, Luna and Severus were sitting across from them, while Xeno was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room.

"We need to figure out a plan for if you, Harry and Luna, are going back to Hogwarts." Marvalo announced. Harry leaned against Marvalo."I don't want to go back." Marvalo wrapped his arm around Harry.

"You don't have to. I wouldn't force you to go back there with Dumbledore in charge." Luna smiled. "I'll go back. I can talk to our old, true, friends. I'll also inform you both of everything I hear."

"As will I. Dumbledore still believes that he has me under his thumb so it will be easier to get information." Severus stated. Harry nodded before thinking a bit. Harry then turned to Severus. "I know you don't like him much, but can you try and talk to Remus? I have a feeling that if he was given a chance and one more reason, he would switch sides. Sirius would follow him especially if he knew I switched." Severus nodded. "I will try."

Harry smiled gratefully. Xeno sat up slightly then. "If you want Harry, we could do an interview and we could put your story in the quibbler." Harry then looked at Xeno. "I think that's a great idea but let's wait for a bit before we do that." Xeno nodded.

later that day

Harry was painting in the sunroom when he heard the door open. Harry looked over, and to his surprise, saw Marvalo but with Lucius and Draco Malfoy. It wasn't unusual for death eaters to be around, but Marvalo usually kept them away from Harry.

Harry sat down his paintbrush and turned to look at them.

The three came to a stop in front of Harry and Lucius gave Draco a small push forward. Draco looked up as he had been staring at the ground. "I'm sorry for calling you a fag, Potter. That was wrong of me. I shouldn't be rude to someone because of who they love." Harry smiled and hugged Draco. Surprised at the hug, Draco paused for a second before hugging Harry back. "It's alright, and please, call me Harry." Harry told him with a smile.

Draco smiled back. "Only if you call me Draco."

Harry was sitting in the garden with Luna and Draco. It had been a couple of days since Draco had apologized to Harry. Everything had been normal till the afternoon after the apology, Marvalo had started acting strange and distant. Harry hadn't noticed it till the next day. He had been so busy getting to know Draco and hanging out with him.

"I just don't understand what I did to upset him." Harry said, with tears in his eyes. Luna smiled sadly and rubbed Harry's back. "I think Marvolo might be a little jealous, Harry." She softly told him. Harry and Draco both looked at her curiously. "Why would he be jealous?" Draco asked.

"After you apologized to Harry, Harry didn't talk to him the rest of the day. Even after Draco left you still stayed in the sun room and didn't talk to him. You even fell asleep in there." Luna stated. "So...Marvolo is jealous of me and Draco?" Harry asked curiously. Luna nodded seriously.

"Marvolo thinks you are replacing him with someone closer to your age."

Harry looked at Luna in shock. "I would never do that! I love Marvolo!" Harry stated.

"Go tell him that. He thinks you replaced him. Go show him that you love him." Draco told him. Harry nodded, stood, and brushed the dirt off his skirt.

Slowly, Harry walked inside and up the stairs to Marvolo's office. How could I replace Marvolo? I wouldn't do that! Harry thought to himself. Harry entered the office without knocking.

Marvolo was sitting at his desk with a big pile of paperwork on top of it. Slowly Marvolo looked up to see who would dare enter without knocking. "Oh. It's you." Marvolo said, then looked back down at the paper he was reading.

Harry looked at him in shock. "Don't just ignore me! Honestly! Do you really think I would replace you with Draco? You have helped me so much! You saved me, Marvolo! I love you and only you!" Harry yelled at him. His eyes had started filling with tears.

Marvolo had looked back at Harry during his rant. He was looking at Harry in shock. Slowly he put his quill and scooted back from his desk. "Harry. Come here." he told him while he opened his arms.

Harry ran over immediately and landed in Marvolo's arms and lap. Marvolo wrapped his arms around him tightly. "Shhh...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have distanced myself from you like that. I was....I was scared." Marvolo whispered to Harry.

Harry slowly looked up at him. "I would never replace you Marvolo. You have helped me so much. I love you no matter what." Harry whispered back. Slowly Harry leaned forward and kissed Marvolo softly and quickly. Marvolo looked at Harry once again in shock before gently grabbing Harry's chin and kissing him again with a little more force. Harry moaned

Marvolo bit his bottom lip. Marvolo used that few seconds to shove his tongue into Harry's mouth. Harry moaned into the kiss again.

After a few minutes they broke the kiss to breathe. Harry leaned his head against Marvolo's chest. Right where his heart was. "I'm sorry. It was stupid of me to think that you would replace me. I...I love you too Harry." Marvolo whispered, after he caught his breath. Harry smiled and looked up at him. Marvolo smiled back.

Marvolo looked down at Harry who had fallen asleep in his lap. Marvolo couldn't believe that someone so beautiful had fallen in love with him. They were almost complete opposites. Marvolo loved spicy and strong foods while Harry loved sweet and rich foods. Harry liked skirts, dresses, and other feminine clothes, while Marvolo loved long, mascaline clothes that covered all of him. Harry was short and he was tall.

He had heard opposites attract but he had not believed it.

Marvolo slowly stood up while holding Harry close to him, so as to not wake him. He carried him back to their room and gently laid him down on the bed. Before he could walk away Harry gently grabbed his hand. "Please don't leave me.." Harry whispered to him sleepily. Marvolo smiled softly, leaned down, and kissed Harry's forehead. "I won't leave for too long. I will be right back, I just need to use the bathroom." Marvolo whispered back.

When Marvolo came back his entire side of the bed was taken up by two snakes. "I was only gone for five minutes, and I'm already replaced for cuddles." Marvolo said, smirking. Harry looked up at him, smiling sleepily. "You took too long and I was cold."

~ You shouldn't have taken so long, Master. Honestly, leaving your mate here all alone.~ Nagini hissed at him. ~ Leaving my Master...You need a better mate Master.~ Asmo hissed to Harry.

Harry smiled at Asmo. ~I quite like this one though. I think I'll keep him.~ Marvolo smirked. "You think so?" He asked Harry.

Harry nodded.

~ Nagini, why don't you take your new friend to meet Pettigrew. Have some fun with him.~ Marvolo hissed.

After the snakes left, Marvolo moved onto the bed so he was on top of Harry. "How about I give you a good reason to keep me?" Marvolo whispered to Harry. Harry's eyes widened and he blushed. "G-get off of me!" Harry shouted and kicked Marvolo off of him. Marvolo laughed and rolled off of Harry. "You know I won't do anything until you're ready." Marvolo said as he turned to Harry. Harry looked away. "I know. I-it's just my first time and I'm not ready just yet." Harry mumbled. Marvolo smiled. "That's okay Harry."

Harry turned to Marvolo and leaned his head against his chest. Marvolo looked down and put his arms around him. "Harry, Darling. Are you gonna go to sleep wearing your clothes?" Harry looked down at his outfit and blushed. "I didn't get the chance to change." Harry mumbled. Marvolo smiled and pointed him to a closet. "That's my closet. Go change into something there." Harry nodded and went to change.

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