Chapter 3

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Today was the day. Today was the day he, Harry Potter, was going to go meet Lord Voldemort at The Leaky Cauldron.

Harry walked down the block in a baggy shirt and pants to the park. When he got there he hid in woods and used a wandless spell his best friend Luna taught him. The spell transfigured the clothes to look better.

To others it would look like a regular suit only people powerful enough could see what it actual was

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To others it would look like a regular suit only people powerful enough could see what it actual was.Harry walked out to the park and waited for his friend Luna who was bringing him since she had to go to Diagon anyway.

Him and Luna weren't supposed to be friends. A Gryffindor and a Slytherin, best friends.He had met Luna when he was 6. They met while on the playground. Harry had been kicked out for accidentally breaking a vase.Luna had been out there playing while her father was over sitting on the bench. He had fallen off of a slide and the both had rushed over to save him. Lunas father was a pureblood and had realized who he was.

"You okay kid?" "Yeah im fine" Harry had  answered. He looked up and Lunas father had seen his scar.

After that day Luna and her father had told him everything about the wizarding world. and when he had free time he would go to their mansion that was a block away.Even tho they were pureblood they used muggle things just not in public or they had a glamor over the object.
Then a black jeep pulled up to the park. Harry got up off the swing and got in.
"Hey Luna." "Hey Harry you ready?" "Yep." Harry had texted her yesterday and told her everything and Luna agreed to take him.

15 minuets later

"Alright we are here" Luna said as she got out. "Thanks for driving me Luna" "Its no problem Harry you are like my little brother I will help you anytime." Luna smiled at him. They both walked in together and Luna turned to him. "I have to go now you have 5 minuets till it it 12. From what i can tell he isnt here yet. Remember use the necklace I gave you to call me if you need me." Harry nodded as Luna walked away. Harry sat down at a table in the back. A minute to 12 a guy walked in and sat right across from Harry. Harry looked up and saw a older Tom Riddle in front of him. He blushed. The man chuckled "I guess you like my new look?" "Y-yes I do. You look very nice." Harry answered. Voldemort smiled "You look very nice as well. I did not know you liked to wear dresses.You look good in them." Harry blushed again. Of course Voldemort could see through it HE IS THE DARK LORD! Harry then realized the dark lord had complimented him and blushed more. "T-thank you" Voldemort smiled again. "Now there is something I have recently found out that could change the war for everyone. Do you know what a horcrux is?"
"No I dont" Harry answered. "A horcrux is a peice of someones soul in a object and when I went to kill you I accidently made one that night..." "What was it? What did you make into a horcrux?"
Voldemort looked him in the eyes.


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