Chapter 4

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Harry was beyond surprised. He had a piece of the dark lord inside him.(god im dirty minded-) "W-what? H-how??" "I don not know it seems when the curse back fired and i was dying my soul seemed to think it was being split again." Harry looked down at the table. "Did Dumbledore know?" " Possibly he seems to know alot." "He is making my stay at my aunt and uncles because of the fucking 'blood wards' but you used my blood anyway and with your soul you can most likely get through because of that." Voldemort frowned "Do you not like your family?"
Harry went ridged. What could he tell the dark lord? Should he tell him the truth? Harry looked up at him.
"My aunt and uncle..dont deal well with magic and...umm...they think I-Im a f-freak for being a wizard..." "WHAT?!?" Voldemort eyes were filled with rage. How could they hate a child for something he couldnt control.A magical child is a blessing! Harry had his head down. "S-sorry I shouldnt have told you that. I-i should go Luna might need me." Harry got up and started leaving but Voldemort grabbed his wrist.

"Wait... Potter do your aunt and uncle..hurt you?"
Harry went ridged again. "Pot- Harry if they do you need to get help....Thats child abuse Harry. You can get help." Voldemort wouldnt let a magical child live through what he went through even if it was Harry Potter, his enemy.

Harry turned to Voldemort and cried.

Voldemort wrapped his arms around Harry and casted a notice me not spell around them."Shh cry all you need." Harry sniffled. "Im sorry Im a crybaby."
"No your not cry all you need." "Its all my fault. If I wasnt a freak my aunt and uncle wouldnt hate me." "Harry it isnt your fault! You were blessed being a wizard. Your aunt and uncle are horrible people to hurt you." Harry backed away "I-I need to go. Luna is waiting. Thank you for telling me that I am your horcrux." Harry started to leave again. "One more thing Harry. Owl me if your aunt and uncle get to bad. You will always be welcome." Harry nodded.

"Thank you."

Sorry this chapter is short its 11pm and I have school in the morning. Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon where ever you are.

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