Chapter 7

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"Harry!" Luna yelled as she ran over to the side of the bed. Harry smiled at her then looked at the others. "Thank you so much for helping me." He told them sincerely. Narcissa smiled softly at him. "It's no problem darling. What those muggles did was horrible." Harry smiled softly at her. Marvalo walked over to the other side of the bed. "Can you please excuse me and Harry? I need to talk to him privately." He told them. "Of course, Marvalo." Xeno surprised the others by calling him something other than Voldemort or the dark lord.

Once everyone left the room so they could talk, Marvalo turned to Harry and looked at him sadly. "Are you really, okay?" Harry looked up at him. "Physically, yes. Mentally, I.. I don't know." Marvalo had a grimace look on his face. He then gently pulled Harry against his chest. Harry leaned against him and started to cry silently. "Shh..It's okay Harry. You will never have to go back there. From now on you can live here with me. If that's what you want." Harry nodded against his chest. "I-I feel safer with you. Do you really mean it? I can stay here?" Marvalo looked down into the bright, green eyes looking up at him, glistening with tears. "Of course, darling." Harry smiled brightly at him. "Thank you." Harry told him sincerely. "It's no problem."

Luna then walked in again. "I really don't want to break this up, but I think your Death Eaters are broken. Lord Malfoy is in shock from Dad calling you Marvalo and you not doing anything about it." Marvalo sighed as Harry laughed. "One day. That's all I ask for. One day in peace and quiet." Marvalo muttered as he got up and walked into the hall to handle Lucius. "So...Snape sis?" Harry smirked and Luna whipped her head around to face him. She was bright red. "Oh shut up. It's not like you have any room to talk." Harry smiled. He knew she only talked like that to him and few she considered close friends. To everyone else she spoke in riddles or talked strangely. Sometimes it was an act to keep people away from her. Other times she slipped, and it was an accident. But most of the time it was just to mess with people. He knew she spoke like that to Snape, just to get a rise out of him. "Oh, come on sis. It's obvious. I have heard the way you speak to him and the way you blush when he's around." Luna looked him in the eyes. Gray staring into green. "I'll admit it if you admit to having a crush on Marvalo." Harry sputtered and went bright red. "I do not have a crush on him!" Luna simply looked at him and raised her eyebrow.

Marvalo then walked back in. "I have fixed Malfoy. Also, Luna, Severes wishes to speak to you." Harry then burst out laughing as Luna blushed again.

When Luna left the room Marvalo went back to the spot he was sitting at. "Do I want to know what that's about?" Harry smiled and looked up at him. "Luna has a crush on Snape." Marvalo stared at Harry. "Welp. I wasn't expecting that one."

"I was." Harry said with a smug look."Ahhh! Marvalo! Stop it!" Harry yelled as he tickled his sides. Harry burst into laughter. "There we go. No more smug look." Marvalo said feeling accomplished. "You're a bastard." Harry said after he had caught his breath. Marvalo smiled. "Everyone else has gone to sleep, beside Luna and Severus." Harry yawned. "And I think it's time for you to go to sleep too." He continued. Harry layed back down and gently grabbed Marvalos arm. "Stay with me till I fall asleep?" Harry murmured. Marvalo smiled gently at him. "Of course, darling." He gently ran his hand through Harry's hair. Harry leaned into his touch as he fell asleep. Marvalo smiled down at him.

After Harry had fallen asleep Marvalo sat up against the headboard and summoned a book. He was just going to stay there for a bit to make sure he had no nightmares.

Harry woke up to his head leaning against someone's leg. Harry looked up to see Marvalo passed out with his book open on his chest. Harry smiled. Harry then sat up and looked at him. "You know if you wanted to stare at me all you had to do was ask." Harry jumped when he heard Marvalo speak. "Don't scare me like that!" Harry yelled as he hit Marvalo with a pillow. Marvalo then grabbed his own pillow and hit him back.

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