Chapter 5

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~I honestly forgot about my wattpad account~Dexxmoe~

**Homophobic language**

Harry ran off hoping to meet Luna on time.

Quickly, Harry ran to Florish and Blotts where he promised to meet Luna. He saw her gazing at the books when he entered. "Hey Luna!" Harry said, as he approached her.

Luna looked up when she heard her name and smiled. "Hello Harry. I was just grabbing my books for this upcoming school year." She told him. Harry smiled softly and nodded.

"Well well well look what we have here? Harry Potter hanging out with a Ravenclaw? I didn't even know you could read Potty."

Both Harry and Luna turned around just in time to see all three Malfoys come around the corner. They both stared at Draco then looked at each other and shook their heads. Draco sneered "Stop staring at your girlfriend Potter when I'm talking to you!". 

Just as Harry was about to say something back another voice chimed in. "Harry baby do you have everything?" Harry immediately turned to see who it was and saw Voldemort standing there still looking like he just saw him. Harry, realizing what Voldemort was doing played along. "No not yet love. Malfoy here interrupted me while I was looking for something." Harry blushed but answered. Lucius eyes went wide at realization of who just called Harry Potter baby. "So your a fag Potter?"Draco laughed. Lucius put his hand on his sons shoulder. "Draco do not use that word!" "But father!?" Lucius dragged Draco away and nodded at his lord respectfully as he passed him. "You both alright?" "Y-yeah we are fine. Thank you." Harry was still blushing. "Hope you dont mind that he now thinks your gay."

"Oh thats okay I actually am anyway." "Oh really~?" Harry nodded and looked down. Luna giggled. Voldemort smiled "You must be Miss.Lovegood, pleasure to meet you."
"Pleasure to meet you to Mr.Riddle." "Please you can both call me Marvalo in public." "Please call me Harry then. Mr.Potter makes me feel like im in trouble." "And I Luna."
Voldemort smiled. "Grab the books you need." They grabbed the rest of the books and paid. "If you would like Marvalo you may come have dinner with us and my father. We are to meet him soon." "Would I be intruding?"
"Think of it as a thanks for helping us with Malfoy." Harry said. Marvalo nodded. "Alright."

10 minuets later

They walk up to this big fancy wizard restaurant. Mr.Lovegood was waiting outside."I see we have someone joining us."

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