095: My Little Movie Star

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The show was in full swing

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The show was in full swing. Jet and Ricky were on stage when Summer walks up to Ellie.
"El, can I talk to you?" Summer asks, sitting down next to Ellie in the dressing room.
"Of course." Ellie says. "What's up?"
"So, you're the first one I wanted to tell this to. I already told Miss Jenn but... I've got another flim opportunity. It is going to be filmed in New Zealand and I don't want to leave you. If you just say the words I won't-" Summer starts.
"Summer." Ellie cuts her off, with a laugh.
"Yeah?" Summer asks.
"I'll be okay. Go follow your dreams." Ellie tells her.
"Really?" Summer asks.
"Really." Ellie says, before turning her tone to a fake bossy tone. "I am ordering you to go and follow your dreams in New Zealand."
Summer smiles hugging her.
"I love you." Summer says.
"I love you to." Ellie says, before pulling away, but keeping a hold of Summer's hands. "Wait, if I'm the first person you told besides Miss jenn, does that mean Ricky is unaware?"
"Maybe." Summer says.
"Summy, you have to tell him." Ellie tells her.
"I know, I plan on doing so after the show." Summer says. "Before the press conference, I have."
Ellie nods before Summer's phone goes off.
'Come to the side of the stage, I miss you and want to see you xx'
"Let me guess Ricky?" Ellie asks.
"How did you know?" Summer asks.
"You're smile says it all." Ellie says laughing, as Summer jokingly rolls her eyes. "Go, I'll see you in a bit."
"See you in a bit." Summer says.
Summer gives Ellie one more hug before going to the stage.

When she gets to the stage Summer sees Ricky talking to Dani, who was now playing Sharpey's assistant. After Dani walks away, Ricky spots Summer, his smile instantly brighten as he signals for her to come over which she does.
"Look at me and look at you." Ricky says, grabbing both of Summer's hands, pulling her closer to him.
"It's an unforgettable night." Summer says.
"Because of you." Ricky says, before kissing her.
"Hey. Troyella. You're on. Come on." Maddox says, causing the two to pull apart.
"We're kinda-" Ricky starts.
"Oh my God. You're que. Let's go." Maddox says as Summer laughs.
The two walk onto the stage, holding hands.

Summer leans against the railing of the tree-house set, facing the audience as she turns to Ricky who was stood on the other side.
"Wow. Another top secret hiding place?" Summer asks as Gabriella.
"You're the second girl I've ever had up here." Ricky says as Troy. "The first was my mom. She came up here to get me down."
"Well, I'm honoured. This place is so cool." Summer says, pretending to look around.
"Me and my dad built it." Ricky says.
"Was that the coach from UVA down there?" Summer asks, pretending to look down below the tree-house.
"Yeah, he's at my house. Crazy." Ricky says.
"I bet he's already got you name on a locker." Summer says.
"It's always been my dad's dream." Ricky says. "And now I'm gonna end up at his alma matter. Did I just say that?"
"My mom and I have been talking about Stanford University pretty much since I was born." Summer says.
"Well, you're already in, so that's pretty cool." Ricky says, taking a step towards her, as Summer also spots her parents in the audience.
"Expect she won't stop talking about it. It's embarrassing." Summer says, taking her eyes of her parents and looking at Ricky.
"Come on, she's proud of you." Ricky says, before grabbing one of Summer's hands, taking another step towards her. "I'm proud of you."
"The thing about Stanford is that it's 1053 miles..." Summer starts, walking past Ricky.
"Miles from here? I know." Ricky says, looking at Summer. "It suddenly seems like the rest of the school year is coming at us so fast."
"Yeah." Summer agrees, as Ricky wraps hes arms around her from behind. "I wish it would all just stop. At least slow down."
Summer looks back at Ricky as the scene comes to an end.


Summer was pacing in the corridor when a door opens.
"Well if it isn't my little movie star." Summer turns to see Haliee.
"Hal!" Summer says, rushing over and hugging her. "I missed you."
"I missed you to, girl. Oh, by the way, we're hanging out and having a sleepover this weekend. You have so much to fill me in on." Haliee says.
"Like what?" Haliee asks.
"Well one, the movie. Two, YOU AND RICKY GOT BACK TOGETHER!" Hallie says yelling the last part.
"Shh." Summer says laughing. "There's still a so going on."
"Right, yeah. yeah. I forgot." Haliee asks.
"Well uhm..." Summer says nervously.
"What's up?" Hal asks.
"Hey, there's my two favourite girls." EJ says, coming up beside Haliee.
"Eej!" Summer says excitedly, as she hugs the person who had become like her older brother.
"Hey, Sum." EJ says hugging her back. The two then pull apart. "Okay, talk to us, what's going on?"
"Quinn wants me to leave school and star in this big movie starting in January. It's a six month shoot in New Zealand which means it's the entire second year of mine and certain other people's senior year." Summer says.
"That's a lot at once." Haliee says.
"And I haven't told..." Summer starts, cutting herself off, knowing EJ didn't really want to hear the person's name, being the overprotective 'brother' he was.
"Ricky?" EJ asks. "We can say his name out loud without turning to dust."
"I just don't want to ruin his night." Summer says.
"Summer, you could never ruin his night. If anything this would make his night a hundred more times magical because he would be so happy for you and proud of you." Haliee tells her.
"So, what's the plan?" EJ asks.
"The plan on telling Ricky? I'm not sure." Summer says.
"Why don't you do what you always do when you need to make a decision." Haliee suggest, causing Summer to give her a confused look.
"Sing." EJ tells her.
Laughter then comes from the gym.
"We should get back." Haliee says.
"Yeah." Summer agrees.
"You're doing amazing tonight. Just like you always do." EJ says, hugging her.
"Thank you." Summer says, before Haliee hugs her.
The two then walk away, poking there heads round the corner for a moment.
"Hey, Sum." Haliee says.
"Yeah?" Summer asks.
"Congrats for the movie. We always knew you had it in you." EJ says.
"Thank you." Summer says, smiling.
The two smile back at her before leaving.

Summer wasn't needed on stage for a little while so she decided to go to the music room. She sits down at the piano before playing it and singing.

Look at me talk to my emotions
Wanna say I don't, but I care
Movin' on hurts but I kind love it
Am I scared?
Yeah, I'm scared

Take a break, take a loss, take a fall
But I won't take it all personal

'Cause I- I- I- I, I'm just going through my phases
I, I, I, I, I'm just learning how to take it
Tuesday to Wednesday, it feels like I'm waitin'
I-I-I-I, I'm just going through my phases

Push and pull but I'm in the middle
I won't do what I can't undo
Yeah, my hearts taken just a little
What I do lose if I lose

Take a break, take a loss, take a fall
But I won't take it all personal

'Cause I-I-I-I, I'm just going through my phases
I-I-I-I- O'm just learning how to take it
Tuesday to Wednesday, it feels like I'm  just waiting waitin'
I-I-I-I I'm just going through my phases
I'm just going through my phases (Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Goin', I'm goin', I'm goin', I'm goin', I'm goin' through phases
Goin', I'm goin', I'm goin', I'm goin, I'm goin, through them
Goin', I'm goin', I'm goin', I'm goin', I'm goin', through phases
Yeah, I'm goin', I'm goin', I'm goin, I'm goin', I'm goin' through them

I- I- I- I, I'm just goin' through my phases
I- I- I- I, I'm just learnin' how to take it
Tuesday to Wednesday, it feels like I'm just waitin'
I- I- I- I, I'm just goin' through my phases

I'm just goin' through my phases
I'm just goin' through my phases

Summer finishes and takes a breath and moment to think, before heading back to the stage. Little did she know, her boyfriend and his parents had been listening the whole time.

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