037: The Song Battle

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The drama students of East High were currently stood in the middle of the main corridor of North High

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The drama students of East High were currently stood in the middle of the main corridor of North High.
"The plan is simple. Based on the Instagram post, the mask has to be in their costume shop." Carlos says. "We know from there Instagram overshares, that North High has dance rehearsals today, so they'll be in their dance studio."
"They have their own dance studio?" Gina asks.
"We're raiding their costumes and not leaving until we have our mask and Summer's jewellery." Carlos tells everyone.
"Isn't this kind of trespassing?" Summer asks.
"It'll be fine." Carlos says. "There'll be plenty of people still here for after school clubs. We'll blend in." Carlos says. "Though Ashlyn, you may have taken the camouflage thing too far."
Ashlyn was wearing a yellow North High jumper.
"No, today, I am Diane. I play volleyball, and I love North High." Ashlyn says.
"Diane, is it? How would you feel about dating a guy from East High?" Big Red asks.
"Oh, a forbidden romance." Ashlyn says.
"Focus! Who's gonna be lookout?" Carlos asks.
"I will." Gina says quickly. "If you leave me unsupervised with their costumes, I cannot promise I won't go all Gina 1.0 in there."
"Just stay calm and act natural, okay?" Carlos tells her. "You got this. Everyone ready?"
"What team?" Ricky asks putting his hand into the middle.
"Maybe we shouldn't yell." Summer suggests.
"Wildcats!" Everyone apart from Summer and Carlos yell.
Everyone starts to walk towards the costume shop while Summer shrugs her shoulders at Carlos who sighs.
"Strong start." Carlos says.
"Did tell them." Summer says as her and Carlos follow behind the others.

The group were looking through the costumes.
"Okay, I need to sit down. These expensive costumes are bumming me out." Kourtney says before sitting down.
"Summer, you're songs been viewed over 35,000 times. Mine just under that with 34,000." Nini says.
"No way." Stephanie says.
"That's cool." Alice says.
"Wow." Ricky says.
"Yeah, I keep getting all these DM's saying me and Summer should start a separate or joint account just for our music." Nini says.
"Same." Summer says with a laugh as she continues to look through the costumes.
"Is that something you want to do?" Ricky asks the two girls, more specifically his girlfriend.
"i don't know." Nini says.
"Seems scary, right?" Summer adds.
"Right." Nini agrees.
"I'm a little scared right now. Does that count?" Ricky asks before Kourtney's phone goes off.
"Oh Howie." Kourtney says. "I'm sorry but is this normal? To not know someone that long, but already feel like you know them so well?"
Summer then stamps her foot on the box Kourtney was sat on.
"I'm sorry. Bad timing?" kourtney says.
"Kourt. The box you're sitting on has fur stuck on the lid." Summer tells her.
Everyone gathers around.
"Open it." Haliee tells Kourtney.
"You open it." Kourtney replies.
"I'll open it." Summer sighs. "Why am I scared?"
Summer opens the box and everyone jumps slightly.
"It's just a box of very expensive looking wigs." Nini says.
"I want one." Carlos says.
"I can't with this schools costume budget." Kourtney says.
"So where's the beast mask?" Ricky asks.
The door then opens and Lily walks in with the french exchange student, and the last person Summer expected to see.
"Landon?" Summer questions looking at her Ex Boyfriend shocked.
"Hello, wildcats." Lily says.
"Bienvenue." The french student says.
"What are you all doing here? Scooping out the competition?" Lily asks, that's when Summer noticed Lily was wearing her necklace and ring.
"We came for our beast mask and Summer's jewellery. We know you toke it. You're literally wearing two of the stolen items." Carlos says shining his flashlight on her.
"Oh, you can these back, they're not very pretty anyway." Lily says throwing Summer the ring then taking the necklace off and doing the same thing.
"Pardon me, but our costumes are most excellent." The french student says. "Why would we steal your mask, when it is so, uh... I... we do not have a word for this in France, But in America, I believe you say 'Fugly'?"
"What did you call me work?" Kourtney asks.
"Look, I'm sure your mask is... cute." Landon says. "But we're just in different leagues. I mean, we're literally a quasi- pre- professional theater company, and you guys put on shows based on mad for- TV movies."
"That you auditioned for. Remember that, Landon?" Stephanie asks.
"Good to see you too, Steph." Landon says jokingly.
"Wish I could say the same." Stephanie replies. "What role are you playing again? A tree?"
"Actually, I'm playing the beast." Landon says.
"Now maybe you should listen to your precious 'High School Musical' and stick to the stuff you know." Lily says.
"Oh yeah? What if we bop to the top?" Seb asks.
"Honey, no." Carlos says.
"Let's just wait for the Menkies. We'll see who's in what league then." Ricky suggests.
"Or we could find out now." Lily says.
"What does that mean?" Big Red asks.
"We challenge you to a good old-fashioned dance-off." Landon says.
"Really? A dance off?" Haliee asks. "Good to see you haven't changed, Lils."
"Good to see you replaced we so quickly, Hal." Lily replies sarcastically. "A school verus school dance off to a 'Beauty And The Beast' song chosen at random."
"You'll do your version and we'll do ours." Landon adds.
"We'll see which school has what it takes. No costumes, no makeup, just talent." Lily says.
"I'm sorry no, that's weird." Ricky says.
"Super werid." Ashlyn says.
"Even for me, let's go guys." Carlos says.
"Classic East High." Lily says. "Walking out here with your tail between your legs. Just like your Miss Jenn did when she gave up on Broadway. And you know, let's be honest, maybe your Belle just can't cut it."
"No, I'm sorry, but nobody out Belle's our Belle." Haliee says stepping forward so she was stood right in front of her ex best friend. "We are doing this."
"Good. Ten minute warm-up, then we settle this, street- style." Lily says.
Ricky walks over to Summer wrapping an arm around her shoulders pulling her into him as they walk to the stage.

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