047: Something There In The Glances You Give her

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Summer was waiting backstage for Act Two when she spotted EJ pacing on the other side of the the stage

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Summer was waiting backstage for Act Two when she spotted EJ pacing on the other side of the the stage. She decided to go up to him.
"Eej?" Summer asks going up to him, he turns to look at her at the sound of her voice. "You okay?"
"Yeah." EJ answers.
"You sure? You know you can tell me the truth, right?" Summer says.
"It's bittersweet. This is my last show at East High. I don't think I'm ready for it to be over." EJ admits.
"It'll be okay, Eej. You'll join the drama club at your college and put on amazing performances there." Summer says. "And I will be there front row for every single one of them."
"Really?" EJ asks.
"Of course. No way I'm missing my big brothers shows, what kind of little sister would I be?" Summer says, causing EJ to laugh.
"I'll be at all of yours as well." EJ says.
"You better." Summer says laughing, before pulling him into a hug. "Love you, Eej. Thank you for everything."
"Love you to, Sum. Thank you for everything as well." EJ replies hugging her back tightly.
'Cast and Crew please get into you're places for Act Two'
"Guess I better go." Summer says.
"Yeah." EJ agrees, before Summer starts to walk away. "Hey, Sum."
Summer stops and turns to look at him.
"Yeah?" Summer asks.
"You're going to do amazing out there." EJ says.
"Thanks, Eej. So are you." Summer replies.
They give each other a small smile before Summer walks away.

After talking to EJ Summer walks back to the other side of the stage, Gina soon comes up beside her.
"Hey G. You okay?" Summer asks.
"Yeah, just in shock." Gina says.
"Why?" Summer asks.
"My brother's here." Gina tells her.
"Wait? Jamie? As in the brother you haven't seen since you were a kid?" Summer asks.
"Yeah, my mom couldn't make it, she messaged me saying she sent a surprise instead and it was him." Gina says.
"Well, he's come to support you." Summer says. "That's positive."
"I guess." Gina says.
"You've got this." Summer reassures her.
"You do to." Gina replies before the two girls share a hug.

Soon enough, they all had to take the stage for Act Two, more specifically 'Something There'
The music starts and Ricky and Summer were sat opposite each other at a table on stage. One of the crew pulls something off the table using a string to make it look like it blew off, before Ricky picks it up and hands it to Summer. While singing Summer stands up walking forward.

(Summer, Ricky, Rest)

There's something sweet
And almost kind
But he was mean
And he was coarse and unrefined
And now he's dear, and so unsure
I wonder why I didn't see it there before

She glanced this way
I thought I saw
And when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw
No, it can't be
I'll just ignore
But then she's never looked at me that way before

Summer had been in the wings while Ricky was singing, and she couldn't help but notice him glancing at Lily in the audience. Bit decided to shake it off for now as she made her way back into the stage. Her and Ricky sit next to each other Ricky holding a rose out to her.

New, and a bit alarming
Who'd have ever thought that this could be?
True, that he's no prince charming
But there's something in him that I simple didn't see

Carlos, Seb, Kourtney, Gina, Ashlyn and the person playing Cogsworth come out on stage as it starts fake snowing, and Summer and Ricky stand up and Summer picks the fake snow out of Ricky's beast mask.

Well who'd have thought

Well, bless my soul

Well, who'd have known?

Well who indeed

And who'd have guessed they'd come together on there own?

It's so peculiar

Carlos and Kourtney:
Wait and see, a few days more
There may be something there that wasn't there before

Perhaps there's something there that wasn't there before

While Kourtney and Carlos were singing, Ricky and Summer started throwing fake snowballs at each other before Ricky picks up the picnic basket and links arm's with Summer as they both walk off stage.

There may be something there that wasn't there before

What, mama? What's there?

"Summer, wait." Ricky says trying to catch up with Summer, who was walking to the bomb shelter.
"Just leave me alone, Ricky." Summer replies.
"No, talk to me, please." Ricky begs.
"I saw you glancing at Lily during the song." Summer says stopping in her tracks and turning to look at him. "Don't you dare deny it."
"Sum, please just let me..." Ricky starts.
"No. No, you don't get to call me, Sum anymore." Summer says. "Goodbye Ricky."
Ricky watched Summer walk away guilt filling his body.

The cast and crew where looking everywhere. They couldn't find the harness Ricky needed for the transformation.
"It's like a normal harness Like, it's like, I don't know, this big." Ricky says.
"You guys, the orchestra hasn't vamped this much since 'Bop To The Top'." Carlos says.
"I know it's here. I preset it." Natalie says.
"What's wrong?" Miss Jenn asks rushing into the room.
"My harness is missing." Ricky says.
"The new one for the transformation." Ashlyn says.
"What? No, no, this can't be happening." Miss Jenn says.
"What else can I use?" Ricky asks.
"For heaven sakes can't you just jump off something high?" Miss Jenn snaps. "Nope. Forget I said that. I will be not here."
"I knew something would go wrong." Ricky says, as Miss Jenn leaves.
"Hey! Hey! You guys! All of you! Stop it." Nini says. "Richard, let's just spin you around without the harness, you can toss the mask into the wings. Okay? Just like rehearsal."
"Right! Which I never got right once." Ricky replies. "And now I'm suppose to do it with one hand? Sorry. Second acts haven't traditionally been my strong suit."
"First time for everything, right?" Nini asks.
"I can spin the table." EJ says.
"I can throw snow." Carlos says.
"And I'll catch your mask." Nini says.
"Okay. Our judge is literally doing sudoku." Natalie says, grabbing Ricky's arm and dragging him towards the door. "I am pushing you on stage. Aim for my face.
"Wait." Alice says causing everyone to turn to look at her. "Where's Summer?"

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