010: Somebody's Heart Can Break

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After Ricky had left Summer went up to her room and to play her guitar

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After Ricky had left Summer went up to her room and to play her guitar.

Well I know I got him
But I think that something else just might begin
There's a pull on my heart that tells me somethings bound to start
And you got me all figured out
Now everything's new and I don't know what to do
I gotta figure it out
Before it's to late
'Cause somebody's heart can break

The first line she was thinking about Landon, but her mind very quickly changed and she was now thinking about Ricky.

If I told him the truth
It would break apart the world that we both knew
Wish that I could just lie and tell him everything is fine
But you got me all figured out
Now everything's new and I don't know what to do
I gotta figure it out
Before it's to late
'Cause somebody's heart can break

Break away, and start something new
But break down come back to you
I don't know what I should do
And I'm so afraid, that somebody's heart can break
'Cause somebody's heart can break
Before it's to late, somebody's heart can break

Well I know I got him
But I think that something else just might begin

Summer sighs putting her guitar down before getting up and getting ready for bed. Tomorrow wasn't going to be easy.


Ricky and Big Red were walking around the school and Big Red was trying to convince Ricky to ask Summer to the Homecoming dance.
"Come on, dude, I'm just saying, this is your chance." Big Red says.
"The last thing I'm gonna do is ask Summer to Homecoming on the day of the dance." Ricky replies.
"But she's single and ready to mingle." Big Red says.
"No, she's not. She's still with Landon." Ricky tells him.
"What? You haven't told her about what you saw yet?" Big red asks.
"No, I haven't. She's still recovering from that day and I'm definitely not telling her about her boyfriend cheating on her on the day of Homecoming." Ricky explains. "Not to mention I may have almost kissed her. I'm telling you Summer hardcore friend- zoned me."
"Then ask her as friends!" Big Red shouts as he stops walking but Ricky continues. "We can all hang out together! Like the good old days!"

"Nini, you've been in there for ten minutes." Kourtney says as her and Summer were stood at the girl toilet mirror touching up their makeup.
"Do we need to call the nurse?" Summer asks.
"Too big... to go down!" Nini says.
"Top ten things I never want to hear in a public bathroom." Kourtney says. "What are you..."
Kourtney opens the door and Nini is stood by the toilet with her Homecoming dress in the toilet.
"I'm flushing my Homecoming dress down the toilet." Nini says.
The three girls burst out laughing.
"Look, I know you're still mad at EJ, but there are healthier ways to move on!" Summer says.
"This is not mad. This is empowered." Nini responds. "I'm done with boys who think they can control me and exes who can't even be friends. I am done with boys."
Nini then kicks the flush.
"Nini, you need help." Kourtney says.
"No." Nini says getting her dress out the toilet before walking over and putting it in the sink. "You know what I need? Like actually need? A girls night."
"Uh, didn't we do face masks and 'The Bachelorette' last night?" Kourtney asks.
"Well one, Summer wasn't there, so I mean a girls night with the three of us, like we use to do. And Two, I'm talking about like a night on the town." Nini says.
"Mmm, so it's like an Anti- Homecoming Homecoming?" Summer asks. "I do want to go to Homecoming for a bit, maybe just an hour, but I'm happy to meet you guys after."
"I'm down." Kourtney says before the three girls high-five each other.
A toilet then flushes and Miss Jenn comes out of one of the cubicles.
"I'm in." She says.
"There you are Summer!" Delilah says coming into the toilets with Stephanie.
"Hey guys." Summer says.
"We've been looking all over for you." Delilah says. "We were planning on doing what we did a few days ago, you in?"
"What did you do a few days ago?" Miss Jenn asks.
"Oh nothing. Just had a bit of fun." Delilah says. "Right Sum?"
"Right." Summer says, feeling a bit pressured.
"So, you coming?" Delilah asks.
"I think I'm gonna sit this one out." Summer tells them.
"Good lord, you are no fun." Delilah sighs. "Come on!"
"Del, I really don't,,," Summer starts.
"There's no need to be such a party pooper, Summer. Landon's outside, come on!" Delilah says grabbing Summer's arm and dragging her out of the bathroom before she could say goodbye to Nini, Kourtney and Miss Jenn.
"Delilah, let go, please." Summer says as they get to Landon. "I'm not doing it again. I don't know if you guys remember, but the last time I did I ended up in hospital, I can't risk that again. I can't risk it, not when my sister needs me."
"Come on, Summer. Where's the fun side of you. The person you were a few days ago, we like that side of you." Landon says.
"And what? You don't like this side of me?" Summer asks crossing her arms catching a glimpse of Ricky who was stood at his locker watching the group.
"Guys, if she said no, she said no." Stephanie says.
"Why do you always do this Steph, we're only trying to get her to lighten up." Delilah says.
"Let's just go." Stephanie says.
"I'll see you guys at homecoming." Summer tells them.
"fine whatever. Let's go." Delilah says before her and Stephanie walk away.
"Do you really not like this side of me?" Summer asks Landon.
"Sum, you're my girlfriend, I love every side of you. I just wish you would lighten up every so often." Landon tells her before kissing her. "I've got to go catch up with the other's I'll see you later."
Summer nods before Landon rushes off and Summer walks up to her locker which was next to Ricky's. She sighs as she leans against it.
"You okay, Sum?" Ricky asks.
"Yeah." Summer sighs.
"What were they trying to get you to do?" Ricky asks.
"You remember why I was in hospital, right?" Summer asks.
"Don't think I'll ever forgot, I was scared to death when I heard Nini's voicemail." Ricky says.
"Sorry about that. But uhm, Delilah and Landon pressured me into doing it. They both seem to have had that effect on me ever since I started hanging out with them." Summer says. "It sometimes feels like their the ones dating, not me and Landon."
"Sum, I need to tell and show you something." Ricky says.
"What's up?" Summer asks.
"I uhm..." Ricky says pulling his phone out. "I think it's better if I showed you."
Ricky then shows her the photo of Landon and Delilah. Tears instantly comes to Summer's eyes.
"W-when was this?" Summer asks.
"The day you were in hospital. I would have shown you sooner, but I thought you had already gone throw enough." Ricky admits.
"No, no. I appreciate you waiting. Don't think I could have taken another thing. Thank you." Summer says.
"If you want to have to day off, I can cover for you, or I can come with you and Big Red can cover for the both of us." Ricky tells her.
"No, it's okay. Uhm, they've skipped again, so I'm gonna go and find them and break up with Landon then come back. I'll be back for end of day rehearsals." Summer says.
Because it was homecoming Miss Jenn had got the whole cast of timetable for the last two lessons so they could still do rehearsals.
"Okay, call me if you need anything." Ricky tell her.
"I will, thank you." Summer says before leaving.


Summer had found the group at the park.
"Sum! I thought you said you weren't coming!" Landon says standing up and going to give Summer a hug.
"I'm not staying!" Summer says stopping him.
"What's going on?" Landon asks confused.
"Really? You're really asking me that!" Summer says.
"Yes, I am." Landon replies.
"Well, for one, you toke my phone and didn't tell me, and you deleted a voicemail from Ricky..." Summer says.
"Sum..." Landon starts.
"I'm not finished!" Summer shouts causing them to get a few looks. "Not only did you take my phone, but you cheat on me with someone who I thought was my best friend!"
"How do you know about that?" Delilah asks standing up and standing next to Landon.
"Someone saw you and got  photo. While I was recovering from blacking out, because you guys forced me into doing loads of drugs and drinking loads of alcohol, you guys were on a fucking date!" Summer shouts.
"Summer, please. I love you. I'm sorry. Please. You have to forgive me." Landon begs before Summer slaps him.
"Summer!" Delilah shouts.
"I thought I loved you too. But after this, I sure as hell don't." Summer replies. "We're over Landon." Summer says before looking at Delilah and gesturing between the two of them. "And this friendship, also over."
Summer then walks away hearing Stephanie shouting at the two before following her.
"Summer, I am so sorry. I had no idea. I tried to stop them from pressuring you into the drugs and alcohol, but..." Stephanie starts but Summer cuts her off by hugging her.
"I know Steph. And that's okay. But, I just really need to be alone right now." Summer tells her.
"Of course. Call me if you need anything." Stephanie tells her.
"I will, thank you, it really means a lot, Steph." Summer says before hugging her again then walking away.


Summer was at rehearsal, it was a few hours after she broke up with Landon. Miss Jenn had announced that Landon quite the show. Everyone was trying to ask Summer if she was okay, but she just blocked them all out.
They were about to run a number, but Miss Jenn noticed Summer not in her position.
"Summer, what are you doing?" Miss Jenn asks gently.
"This is to much." Summer admits before running grabbing her bag and running out the room.

Summer had found a spot by the stairs she slide down the small wall curling up into a ball and sobbing.
"Sum?" She looks up to see Ricky looking down at her causing her to quickly wipe her eyes.
"R- Ri- Ricky, H- Hey." Summer stutters. "Sorry, I've completely ruined rehearsal."
"Hey." Ricky says gently sitting down next to her. "You haven't ruined anything. Everyone's just worried about you. This isn't just about Landon, is it?" Summer shakes her head. "What's going on?"
"I can't tell you. I can't put this one you, not when you've got everything going on in your life." Summer says.
"Sum, I don't care how many problems I have in my life, I just want you to be okay." Ricky says before grabbing her hand which was on her knee. "Talk to me. Please."
"I can't." Summer says shaking her head sobbing slightly.
"You're really scaring me, Sum. Talk to me. What's going on?" Ricky asks.
"Actually you know what, I'm fine, I'm just overreacting." Summer says.
"You're not fine Summer." Ricky says.
"I'm fine, utterly and completely fine." Summer tells him.
"Summer, please." Ricky begs causing Summer to sigh knowing she couldn't keep this a secret anymore, it had gone to far.
"My parents..." Summer trails off. "They... They abuse me."
"What?" Ricky asks.
"They..." Summer goes to repeat.
"No, I heard you. It's okay. You don't need to repeat it." Ricky says pulling her into a hug. "Why wouldn't you say anything?"
"I was scared." Summer admits.
"Sum, you should have told someone. What about Ellie, is that why your so protective over her? Do they do it to her as well?" Ricky asks.
"No, I won't let them. I take her punishments as well." Summer says before sobbing again.
"Oh Sum." Ricky says hugging her tighter. "You aren't going home ever again. You can stay with me from now on."
"I can't leave Ellie." Summer tells him.
"She can stay as well." Ricky says.
"Ricky, I've been to your house, there's not enough room." Summer says.
"We'll make room, we'll buy a bigger house. Just as long as you are safe, that's all that matters." Ricky tells her.
Summer just sits there sobbing into Ricky's chest, Ricky holding her tightly kissing the top of her head a couple times. He hated seeing his best friend in so much pain. He couldn't stand it. He promised himself he would never let anyone hurt Summer ever again, no matter what.

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