075: High School Musical 4: The Reunion

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Summer walks into the drama room with Ellie, Alice and Stephanie

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Summer walks into the drama room with Ellie, Alice and Stephanie.
"Come in. Come in." Miss Jenn says.
"And Seb is apparently not coming today. And he's officially turning this into a feud." Carlos says from behind Summer. "Which, actually, respect from a reality show plot-line perspective. But, come on."
"I know, I keep on expecting Big Red to pop out of my locker with confetti." Ashlyn says. "Change is hard."
"But change can also be beautiful." Gina points out.
"Okay, so we've got our big pep rally coming up in a little bit. But I wanted to grab you kids early for a special sneak preview of our show." Miss Jenn tells the group. "Wait, where's Ricky?"
"What a surprise. Richard Bowen runnin' late." Carlos says, causing Summer to laugh a little.
"Yeah see? Some things never change." Summer says, with an awkward laugh. "Oh my god, Emmy!"
Kourtney turns to too see Emmy sat right next to her.
"You go to East High now?" Kourtney asks.
"I told my mom if she didn't let me come here to do the musical, I would tell the world her first husband disappeared under mysterious circumstances." Emmy says.
"Did he?" Summer says leaning forward, now intrigued.
"No. Not at all." Emmy says. "But the world doesn't know that."
"Sorry. Hello. I was in the bathroom thinkin' of senior pranks, so..." Ricky says, coming in to the room.
"To much information." Miss Jenn says.
Ricky nods awkwardly before walking over and sitting behind Summer.
"Hey." She whispers.
"Hi." He whispers back, smiling widely at her.
"This year a special factor went into my decision about the musical." Miss Jenn tells her group. "Some people may think they know you, now they've seen you on TV, but they don't know the real you's. Not really. And I want this show to be a safe space for you, where you can all sparkle, and nothing is gonna outshine you. And so. my babies..."
Miss Jenn then pulls a cover off the board.
"'High School Musical' again?" Gina asks.
"Now, Carlos." Miss Jenn says.
"Carlos then puts what looks to be an 'E' on the board.
"'High School Musicale'?" Summer questions.
"Oh, my bad." Carlos says turning it around.
"'High School Musical 3'!" Ricky cheers.
"I knew it was smart to come here." Emmy says.
Ellie grabs a-hold of Summer's arm freaking out, as Summer uses her opposite hand to hold Ricky's, without anyone knowing.
"Auditions are Friday. And I have not pre- cast this. So, come with your hearts full and minds open." Miss Jenn tells everyone, after the bell went off.

The drama club were now all sat together, on the bleachers by the football field, for the assembly.
"Apparently there's some big announcement today." Carlos says.
"Unless we're all getting Daytime Emmy Awards for 'Frozen', mentally, I'm not here." Kourtney says.
"Good morning, good morning. All right, listen up. Listen up everybody, settle down." The principal says coming on stage. "It's hard to believe it's the start of another year at East High."
"Let's go, seniors!" Ricky shouts, causing Summer to hold back a laugh, as everyone also cheers.
"This year we have a special announcement. Ooh." The principal says. "Something that's going to impact all of us that are still here at East. So, I want you to welcome. I am obligated to say this phrase, 'The OG Couch Bolton'."
Bart Johnson, who played couch Bolton in the 'High School Musical' movies then come out causing everyone to scream.
"Hey!" Bart says.
"Did you know about this?" Ricky asks Miss, Jenn who shakes her head.
"My name's Bart Johnson, but many of you know me as Couch Bolton from the 'High School Musical' franchise." Bart says. "Can I get a drum roll please? Thank you. Folks, we're getting the whole gang back together to make 'High School Musical 4: The reunion', a movie that's gonna shoot right here in East High."
"Wait, we're still going to do 'High School Musical 3', right?" Ricky asks, as everyone freaks out.
"Why wouldn't we? This movie has nothing to do with us." Miss Jenn answers.
"Cool." Ricky says.
"Please join me in welcoming the new stars of the franchise You know him from his hit cancelled sitcom, Mark and Spark, and you know her from her viral TikTok videos that has taken America and parts of Latin America by storm, it's America's favourite couple. It's Mack and Dani!"
Mack and Dani then come out as loads of people scream. Summer slightly shocked.
"Oh my god. I'm freaking out. Mack and Spark is my comfort show." Gina says.
"Mine to." Summer agrees. "I actually met Mack in Cali last week."
"Oh, yeah?" Ricky asks, confused as to yeah his girlfriend wouldn't tell him.
"Yeah, I'm confused with why he wouldn't tell me, considering I told him I come here to East High." Summer says.
"Maybe wasn't able to." Ashlyn says. "But, I gave up after season 1, but he's adorable."
Summer, Ashlyn and Gina all laugh excitedly.
"I never saw it. I've never seen that programme." Ricky says.
"Wait did I never force you to watch it while we were growing up?" Summer asks.
"Nope." Ricky says.
"Okay, I have officially failed in life." Summer says, turning to Ashlyn and Gina who were fanning each other.
"I guess I should say something." Mack says into the microphone. "For seven years, I grew up in front of a lot of you on Mark and Spark, where my talking dog Spark taught me valuable lessons, from friendship to food. And yes, I am talking about episode 617, where Spark taught me how to cook Spaghetti..."
"Al dente!" Gina shouts.
Mack looks at her causing him to spot Summer sat next to her and freeze slightly.
"I see someone has watched every episode. I appreciate that." mack says, getting back on track. "And in my role in this new movie, I will play the co- captain of both East High's basketball team and the drama club. Is it woke? Is it throwback? What if it's both? What if it's 'High School Musical 4'? Well guess what, it is."
Everyone cheers loudly.
"Thank you for your kind words, baby." Dani says. "I am so honoured to be here and making my acting debut in the franchise that launched so many careers, and also Bart Johnson's."
"So the tea is she lip syncs and can't actually sing live." Carlos says, from his spot in front of Summer.
"Okay, we're on the same side of TikTok because I saw the same exact thing." Emmy says.
"And for all of my haters who say I can't actually sing live. I just wanted to say this." Dani says.
Dani then does an amazing cover of 'High School Musical' from the last film.
It was safe to say this was gonna be the best year yet.

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