"Not lying!" Y/N denied urgently. "Just withholding information!"

"Why wouldn't you tell us?" Ella asked.

"How fucking long-" Brock stopped, narrowing his eyebrows and rubbing his face in a seemingly exhausted manner. "I mean, fuck." Y/N was silent as she fiddled with her fingers, unsure of how to respond to her stressed out older brother. "Well, how long?" He urged.

"Uh- the beginning of the month..." she answered sheepishly.

"And, it's already the fucking tenth," Brock stated.

"You've been hiding this for ten days?" Lucas asked in shock.

"Give or take." Y/N shrugged.

"So, you were just...keeping a woman in your room," Valeria started. "And you weren't going to tell us?"

"Well..." Y/N tensed up, sucking in a sharp breath before blurting out the first thing that came to her mind. "Well, you never told Brock that you ratted his magazines out to Dad!"

Brock gasped. "That was you!"

"Y/N!" Valeria exclaimed. "You promised you'd never tell!"

"Val, you snitch!" Brock accused. Y/N couldn't help but grin at the realization that she had successfully moved the attention off of her.

"That was so long ago!" Valeria defended herself.

"But, you still did it!"

"Well, you were the one that dropped Ella's phone out of the car window!" Valeria exclaimed.

Ella's head shot in Brock's direction. "What?"

Brock winced. "Well-"

"Oh, would you three just be quiet?" Lucas asked with a huff. He pushed his glasses up onto his nose and stepped forward, sparing Mary a glance before he sent a look of annoyance towards his siblings. "You're the oldest of us all, yet you're acting like children!" Lucas brought his attention towards his younger sister who was looking nervously between Mary and her nosy siblings. "Besides, anyone with half a brain could see that she was trying to distract us from the problem at hand."

"It worked, didn't it?" Y/N mumbled.

"Hm, momentarily," Lucas nodded. "But, a grade-school trick like that isn't going to work on me. So, drop the crazy cat lady excuse and explain."

Y/N's breathing hitched and she found herself
looking over at Mary as if she were searching for guidance on what to say. "I- uhm..."

"If I may say something?" Mary piped up.

Brock's eyes narrowed in Mary's direction. He held an intimidating posture that Y/N had seen one too many times. Mary was unfazed by Brock's big stature and her face held one of disinterest as she glowered down at him - showcasing her vast height. Although, Brock didn't back down. "Why should we let you speak?"

"Brock..." Y/N sighed. "Don't-"

"Don't what?" Brock snapped. "Get pissed with this random woman that's been sneaking around and doing God knows what with my little sister?"

Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs. Claus x FEMALE! reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat