written silence

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*this will take letter form*

To the next Love:

Getting to know me can be pretty tough. I'll shut you out and build walls to keep you away. I'm stubborn. I'm a smart-ass. I'll get on your nerves on purpose. But remember; I'll also be your best friend.

I'll let you cry on my shoulder. I'll hold you tight when you need it. I'll sing in the car to make you smile. I'll tell you lame jokes and give you kisses. Most of all, I'll be everything you need.

Remember to be patient with me and love me when I need it most. Give me space but don't let me go. Make sure I feel appreciated because I try hard.

And lastly, be the one I need in life. Don't be like them, because you'll realize I'm all you needed as well.

-the Hated

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