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As the carriage drove along the road, Erevon peered up at the clear sky.
«I believe it's going to rain soon.»
Ros, who was seated next to him, scrunched his small nose and cocked his head up.
«There are no clouds in the sky...»
«Call it sixth sense, then», the elf said, messing up his auburn hair, «I can sense a shift in the air. Something is about to happen.»
«I truly hope so, since I am terribly bored», Kaelin replied, «There is nothing else to do but nap.»
«Don't you constantly spend your time reading your book? What is it about, anyway?» Aria inquired.
«I finished it yesterday», he remarked, taking the book from his bag and handing it to her.
She took it and looked at the title: «Ballads of Love and Loss, by Elara Silverbrook... Never heard of her before.»
«Because you're uncultured», Kaelin said coldly, grabbing the book from her grasp. «Miss Elara is a wonderful bard from Baldur's Gate with a true talent for poetry. She exclusively entertains the most important individuals. Obviously, my master is one of them», he opened the book and pointed to the first page. «See? It is signed by her. I had the pleasure of meeting her at my master's most recent celebration. She is truly a remarkable woman.»
«So you enjoy poetry, huh?» Erevon inquired.
«Much more than prose, but not as much as music. That is why I enjoy Elara's works so much. Her poems are so well-crafted that I can hear a harmony in my brain as I read them. It is like having your own personal bard singing wherever you go.»
«Ooh, I'd want a personal bard!» exclaimed Ros, a big smile on his face.
The elf thought about it for a moment, then cleared his throat and began singing a well-known song.

In the moonlight's gentle glow,
We travel on where wild winds blow.
Through valleys deep and forests wide,
With you, my love, I'll ride the tide.

Ros eagerly clapped his hands, while Aria lovingly caressed the tiny druid's arm as she listened to the song. Erevon cast a peek towards Kaelin, who had a faint smile on his face.
«Please, Erevon, keep singing! It makes the ride more enjoyable», replied Grimmok, turning to face him before returning to manage the horses.
«Well, then...»
Erevon placed his hand on the carriage bench and began keeping the rythm with his palm.

Windswept dreams, our hearts entwine,
Underneath the starry sign,
Through every trial, we'll find our way,
Together, love will light our day.

«Hey!» the half-orc exclaimed in glee, then began humming along with Erevon in his deep voice.

Beneath the sky, so vast and grand,
We'll journey on, hand in hand.
With every step, our spirits soar,
Adventure calls, we'll ask for more.

Aria chuckled and began singing in whispered tones as well.

Windswept dreams, our hearts entwine,
Underneath the starry sign,
Through every trial, we'll find our way,
Together, love will light our day.

«Come on, Kaelin! You must know this song, don't you?» said the genasi, «Sing along with us!»
The half-elf shook his head and rolled his eyes. Erevon gave him a huge grin as he sang louder.

As dawn breaks in a golden hue,
I'll wake to find myself with you.
Through all the challenges we face,
In your embrace, I've found my place.

The ranger moved in closer and gently shook his shoulder.
«Fine, I'll sing», Kaelin muttered, sighing.
Ros giggled as he heard the entire group sing the refrain.

Windswept dreams, our hearts entwine,
Underneath the starry sign,
Through every trial, we'll find our way,
Together, love will light our day.

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