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They escaped the valley in record time. The horses were fatigued from galloping for so long and the group was exhausted from fighting. Erevon sat down on the ground, his arms aching from all the arrows he had fired. He looked through his quiver: he was almost out of arrows. Hopefully, he could have bought some in Tiverton. He groaned when he realised he did not have any money. He then cast a glance towards Kaelin, who was frowning at his bloodied vest. The elf stood up and approached him.
«I'd like to talk to you about something. Please follow me.»
The half-elf nodded and moved away from the rest of the party until Erevon was certain they could not be disturbed. He sat below a tree, his back resting on the trunk. Kaelin sat beside him, waiting for the other to talk.
«When I spoke with Aria this morning, we discovered that your master is associated with the cult of Shar.»
He glanced at the blonde one, awaiting an answer. The half-elf sighed.
«So that is what your ramblings were about. I knew I should not have let that woman on board», he said as he crossed his arms. «It is true. Master Blackthorn is a Sharran priest, but I am not.»
«Well, then you realise how it clashes against the beliefs of the rest of the group.»
«I am aware. That is why I avoided mentioning it.»
«I understand, but... It's not an honest thing to do. I'm connected to Selûne and you're likely aware of how the two of them don't get along. Not that Shar is in good terms with many other gods, as far as I know.»
Kaelin paused for a time before asking: «Do you worship Selûne, though?»
«Not really», Erevon responded, looking at the moon. «My mother is a devout member and she made me pray and do rituals, but I've always thought of it as a chore rather than something that came from the heart.»
The half-elf remained silent for a moment before saying: «Blackthorn was once a Selûnite. He was a member of her Church, one of the priests who participated in the Mystery of the Night. Do you know what that is?»
«Yes, uhm... Isn't it that thing where they fly up in the sky?»
«Roughly speaking, yes. During one of these rituals, everyone else succeeded to levitate except him. Selûne had taken his powers away.»
«No one knows. He was an excellent member of the clergy, constantly doing good and he worked hard to change people's opinions regarding tieflings. When this incident happened, he was excommunicated and everyone turned their backs on him. He attempted to regain Selûne's favour, but to no avail.»
Erevon pursed his lips, digesting all he had just told him.
«I see... So that's why he became involved with Shar.»
Kaelin gave a nod.
«He felt betrayed... Rightfully so, in my opinion. I could not help but think of my master when you informed me about your condition.»
«I don't think I want to become a Sharran, though. Hearing about all of these killings makes me sick.»
«Blackthorn's teachings are not solely about darkness. Sure, he is a Sharran priest, but he has also been a mentor to many, including me. He has guided us in ways that go beyond simply serving the Nightbringer», he paused, «He has used his influence to benefit others, just as he did when working for Selûne. He saved my life.»
«But Shar's teachings...»
«They may be rooted in darkness, but Blackthorn believes in harnessing the force for the greater good. Just as you have channelled your own skills from the Moon.»
«Do you believe he could help me even if I have been touched by Selûne? Even if I don't wish to convert to his faith?»
«I do not work for any deity. Only Blackthorn», he said quietly as he moved in closer. «Erevon, my dear. Do you trust me?»
The elf was dizzy from all of the information he had just taken in. He could hear the rest of the group laughing as they sat around the campfire.
He remembered Aria's disappointed expression from that morning. Then, he remembered all of the times he had been in trouble because of his powers. The times he had to restrain himself from helping. The times he placed others at peril. Aria knew nothing about it. None of the others had any idea.
«I trust you.»
The blonde one bit his bottom lip and smirked.
«Say that to my ear.»
Erevon moved towards his side as requested, but his words got caught in his throat when he felt the half-elf's palm on his chest.
«Your heart is beating so fast...»
The elf cleared his throat: «You're very close.»
«Do I scare you, Erevon?» he pouted. Then, he grabbed his cheeks and sat on his lap, murmuring: «Don't take your eyes off me.»
A spectral hand materialised over the elf's head and gently stroked his hair. At that point, Kaelin's eyes took on an unearthly glow, that soon vanished along with the hand.
«There was no magic involved last night, was there?» Erevon whispered, feeling ashamed.
Kaelin shook his head, his lips still curled in amusement.
«My apologies, then.»
«Apologies accepted», he giggled and put his arms around his neck. «When you sang that lullaby, it struck a chord with me», he hesitated, «It was the same one my mother used to sing to me when I was a kid.»
«I'm not sure I appreciate being compared to your mother...» Erevon narrowed his eyes, «Although I learnt this one on my travels, my mum never truly held a particular affection for me», he sighed, «For her, I was a herald of her deity. She treated me with dignity, provided food and shelter, but I was not her child. I was a creature she had nurtured in her womb and had to shepherd to greatness.»
«And how about your father?»
The elf shook his head.
«Never met him. My mum never mentioned him and the village knew nothing, because she moved in there while already pregnant. I don't think she hated him; on the contrary, whenever I attempted to ask her questions, she always seemed sad. The only thing I know is that, based on my looks, he was an elf... and that he died.»
Kaelin nodded gently, his hand caressing the back of his head. He was being strangely cuddly, but Erevon did not mind at all.
«How about you, Kaelin?» he added, «Can you tell me a little about your family?»
«My birth was the result of an out-of-wedlock affair between my servant elven mother and my noble human father», the half-elf groaned bitterly. «She had capivated him with her copper hair and stunning purple irises. I resemble my father more than his legitimate children», he looked to the side, before continuing: «A wonderful woman, but mentally feeble. She was convinced that one day he would desert his wife for her. All he did was abuse her whenever he felt like it.»
For a brief moment, Kaelin's voice quivered, so he pursed his lips. Erevon sighed and gently stroked his back to comfort him.
«What became of her? Is she still alive?»
He gave a nod.
«She is. She still resides in Baldur's Gate, as far as I know, albeit she no longer serves that family.»
Erevon gave a little smile.
«Well, isn't that a nice thing? She was able to escape an abusive household.»
The half-elf laughed.
«In a way. She did not flee of her own volition. She was let go... As a result of what I did.»
The ranger was perplexed, so Kaelin explained: «One time, I decided to hide in my father's closet to spy on him. I knew he was going to call my mother to his room and beat her up as he usually did. This time, though, I was not going to let that happen. I jumped out and strangled him with a rope. It was the first time I killed someone», a sinister glimmer flashed into his black eyes as he spoke. «He died without making a sound. It was perfect. My mother, however, had to shout. The guards arrived and she pointed me for the murder.»
He cast a sidelong glance.
«She called me a monster.»
Erevon sighed and held him tightly.
«I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked...»
«No worries, I would not have said anything if I did not want to», he smiled, «I was sentenced to hang, but Blackthorn bailed me out of prison», he whispered, resting his cheek on the elf's shoulder. «He was looking for desperate people willing to pledge their loyalty to him in exchange of a new chance in life. I have been working for him since then.»
For a moment, they stayed silent, locked in their hug, their eyes closed. All of a sudden, Kaelin leaned back and took a seat next to him. Erevon gazed at him, perplexed.
«Oh, here you are», Aria remarked relievedly as she approached the two.
Erevon raised his head, surprised to see her.
«What were you doing?» she said, casting a glance at Kaelin.
«Just reminiscing about our tragic little past», the elf said with a nod.
Kaelin stood up and wiped his clothing.
«It is better if we go to bed. We still need to recover our strength from the fight.»
Before leaving, he turned to the two and hushed: «Goodnight, Erevon.»
Aria crossed her arms.
«I saw you hugging.»
Erevon widened his eyes and stuttered: «W-whaaat? Impossible...»
«You're terrible at lying.»

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