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The next morning, Erevon awoke to find no sign of the half-elf.
«That dumbass...» he sighed, before gazing up at the others. He could not afford to lose that blondie, not with the possibility of lifting his curse at stake.
«Have any of you seen Kaelin?»
«The boy with the sweet smell?» yawned Ros. «He's behind you.»
Erevon gasped as he sensed his presence behind him. A chill ran through his body as he turned to face him. Kaelin had a murderous expression on his face.
«Ah! Uhm... Hi. I was wondering where you'd been.»
«Oh, you know, I decided to spend the night casting spells on the arachnids, since I apparently am a sadistic piece of shit and nothing more», he explained, his broad, fake smile swiftly fading. The half-elf pushed him aside and sat next to Grimmok as he served breakfast.
Erevon groaned: «I never said anything about...», but he gave up mid-sentence. He ate his meal in silence, as a pall of tension hung in the air.
Aria looked at the two and then asked the elf: «Can I... talk to you privately for a second?»
He nodded and stood up, making the terrible error of glaring at Kaelin as he did so. Erevon was startled when the other narrowed his eyes and peered at him so intently. He followed the genasi, who was carrying her bag, weirdly. For a moment, he wondered where she was taking him and if he should go back to get his backpack, but the woman stopped not too far away from the camp.
«So, about Kaelin... What brought you two together?»
«He requested that I kill an owlbear for his master, but I had one of my little magical accidents...» the elf shrugged, «After explaining my situation, he suggested that his master, a guy named Blackthorn, may be of assistance.»
The cleric's expression gradually became troubled.
«Blackthorn, you said...», she murmured as she clutched her bag, «Now I see why he kept defending Shar's followers...»
She nodded in silence, while the elf eagerly waited for an explanation. The genasi eventually placed her hands on his shoulders and stated: «Erevon, his master is a preacher of the Dark Lady's word. That devil serves the same mistress who murdered both my family and Ros'.»
The ranger took a deep breath. He cast a glance towards Kaelin: his stare suddenly felt even more sinister. He returned his attention to the genasi.
«Maybe... He... doesn't know?»
Aria raised her brow.
«W-well...», he scratched his chin. «He hasn't killed us yet, so... Perhaps he isn't such a bad guy.»
«Do you fancy him?» replied Aria, crossing her arms.
Erevon jumped.
«What? No, absolutely not! Just look at him! He's boring... and snobbish...»
He returned his gaze to Kaelin, still creepily staring at him. His pulse skipped a beat, so he continued: «And he keeps staring at me in a way that makes me...», he hesitated.
«...Fall madly in love with him?» the cleric finished the statement, perplexing.
«N-no! Are you out of your mind?! He's been giving me the creeps since last night!»
«What happened last night?»
«He... Well... I think he cast a spell on me because he was mad I joked about his nose or something.»
«Erevon. That's what bad people do.»
He bit his lower lip and shook his head, adding: «Come on, it was a harmless prank», he chuckled to break the tension, but he immediately became serious again. «I caused an animal to explode while curing myself and I'd feel a little safer knowing that I can perform a healing spell whenever I want without consequence», he took a breath, «Do you understand?»
«I understand you are really stupid.»
Erevon groaned and leaned forward, his hands on his hips.
«Listen, sweetheart, as I already stated, I tried several times to resolve my problem. I've been in isolation for a decade simply to practise magic. It didn't work. I asked the assistance of some of the best sorcerers known to Toril. A few of them refused, others gave up, some exiled me and one died. I, too, think Sharrans are horrible people, but I'm getting a little desperate...»
Aria let out a sigh and shook her head.
«I can tell you have a good soul. I don't want you to go down the wrong path», she added, placing her hands on his face. «I like you, Erevon.»
The elf was stunned. Then, he slowly narrowed his eyes.
«How much do you like me?»
The cleric blinked a few times before abruptly withdrawing her hands to put them back on the bag strap, her face flushed.
«Oh, for the love of the Gods, I didn't mean it that way, of course!»
«Of course...» he repeated, a bit wounded in pride.
«As I just said, you're a wonderful person, handsome even and I'm sure a lot of people would want to have their way with you...»
«They certainly do.»
«Yeeah... But I don't. Sorry!»
He crossed his arms, cast a sidelong glance, then peered down at her and muttered: «Not even a one-night stand?»
A burst of wind struck him across the face.
«I assume that's a no...» he mumbled, caressing his cheek.
The genasi walked back to the group and Erevon quickly followed her, stroking his red cheek. The others were getting ready to leave.
«Is everything all right?» Grimmok inquired as he assisted Ros in boarding the carriage.
«Yes, Erevon was just feeling a little sleepy», Aria grinned, «Weren't you, big guy?» and she patted him on the cheek before turning to assist Grimmok in bridling the horses.
Kaelin leaned closer to the ranger and whispered: «Why did she actually hit you?»
Erevon chuckled awkwardly and ignored him.

As they ventured into the Desertmouth valley, Erevon kept his weapons on hand, looking for any signs of monster activity. Meanwhile, Aria clutched her bag like she was extremely afraid of being robbed by a cleptomaniac monster. Kaelin looked up from his book and rolled his eyes at the two.
«Stop being so tense, there are no dangerous monsters in this place.»
They heard a screech coming from the valley's right wall just as he stated it. Looking up, they noticed a hippogriff glaring at them.
«Whatever, it is only one.»
Two other eagle heads emerged.
«Ugh, they are surely not going to-» Erevon's hand over his mouth interrupted his speech short.
«I think it's best if you just shut up.»
Kaelin muttered something while the ranger was looking at the three animals and noticing that they were following them. Aria held Ros close.
«Hippogriffs are fiercely territorial creatures, but if we're lucky, they won't see us as a threat», the ranger explained «Let's try to keep a low profile.»
As she stroked the tiny druid's head, the cleric nodded and remained silent.
Kaelin started to read his book, but then he turned to Erevon and said: «You still have not given me a proper answer on what happened with the clergywoman this morning.»
The elf let out a sigh.
«It's nothing important.»
«She smacked you. You had to have done something to irritate her. What exactly is it?»
«I may have asked her if she was up for some fun time together and she refused.»
Kaelin slammed his book shut with a thud. The wings of one of the hippogriffs fluttered.
«Holy shit, Kaelin, I said low profile!» muttered Erevon, grabbing him by the wrists and shaking him.
«Language!» shouted Aria, covering Ros' ears.
The half-elf squirmed, trying to hit him with the book and shouting: «Take your filthy hands off me!».
«So you can snap your fingers and cast a spell on me once more, huh, Sharran?»
Erevon's eyes narrowed as he leaned in closer.
«What the fuck are you talking about?!»
«ENOUGH!» yelled Grimmok. The hippogriffs cried out in unison. The elf gradually released his grasp on the blonde one.
The three creatures charged straight at the carriage. One of them attempted to seize the young child, but Aria was able to drive it away waving her bag.
«Quick, little one, hide!»
The druid didn't waste any time and transformed into a rat, hiding between the crates. The second hippogriff tried to scratch Grimmok, but the driver evaded the hit and spurred the horses into a gallop. The cleric summoned a gleaming longsword that began to float.
She pointed her finger towards the animal in front of her, and the weapon sliced its wings. The beast fell down in the carriage.
Kaelin began repeatedly slashing its body with his daggers, shouting: «Die! You stupid... Monster!», till the hippogriff was clearly no longer alive.
Grimmok kept being bothered by the second beast, so he took his axe and slashed a deep cut across its chest, but it stood firm. The third hippogriff tried to claw the half-orc he kept the two flying animals at bay by swinging his blade. Finally, Erevon took his bow and aimed at the hippogriffs, taking his time to ensure he did not inadvertently harm Grimmok.
He shot an arrow directly into the injured one's chest, killing it.
The final one was promptly attacked, giving it no chance. Ros reverted to his normal self and hugged Aria. Kaelin sat back in the carriage, taking a deep breath and adjusting his hair.
«Well, that was simple, was it not? They are all dead» he said with a grin.
A faraway cry was heard. Everyone turned to look at him.

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