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Erevon giggled joyously as he glanced at the shiny coin in his fingers. He was relieved that Kaelin had consented to give him money; otherwise, he would not have been able to purchase the arrows that were now in his quiver.
«This is a loan», the blonde one had stated as he handed him two gold pieces, «You will have to reimburse me eventually.»
The elf chuckled. That guy was really stingy. After all, his background had most likely not been studded with luxury and he could see why Kaelin was now so attached to his own funds. Erevon, on the other hand, was not the type to save money. He always spent it all on adventure gear and alcohol, the only two things that mattered in his life.
He had only spent one gold piece buying the new arrows, so he still had the other coin.
«Let's see, is there anything more I need?» he said as he walked through the market streets of the Upper City.
He looked over a few stalls, but nothing piqued his attention. As he rounded the corner, he heard someone shout: «Come one, come all! Test your skills and win big!»
When Erevon turned to face the source of the voice, he noticed a young male drow sitting in the shade. There were three halves of a walnut in front of him. There was a small crowd observing him, so the ranger got closer, interested by the situation. A halfling handed the youngster a silver piece, which the dark elf put next to him. He then removed one of the walnut halves to expose a little wooden ball inside.
«Are you ready, sir? Follow the ball and you'll win twice as much as you bet!»
The boy began to move the shells swiftly, but Erevon never lost sight of the correct one. When he came to a halt, the halfling pointed to the one in the centre. He was correct, just as the elf predicted. The drow smiled at the man as he placed another silver piece next to the first.
«Would you like to redeem your reward or bet even more, sir?»
The halfling grinned and handed him three more silver pieces.
«This game is far too simple, kid! Of course I'll keep going!»
«All right, sir, I'll up the difficulty!»
The drow began moving the shells again, with a bit more pace, but nothing than Erevon could not keep up with. He knew the ball was beneath the left walnut when he stopped and the halfling pointed directly to it. He was correct yet again. With a huge smile, the dark elf handed him a golden coin.
«Well done, sir! Do you want to go on?»
«Yes, I bet my entire prize!» the halfling said, his eyes gleaming.
Erevon glanced at his golden piece. He could have won two if he had gambled on it. Then four. Then eight. Then... he began counting on his fingers, but he was interrupted by a hand gripping his shoulder.
A female voice whispered to him: «It'sss a ssscam.»
The elf turned to face the stranger, stunned to see the yuan-ti from the previous evening.
The lady grinned, her mouth corners longer than most other creatures. Her lips were dark and thin.
«He makesss people believe they can earn a lot of money betting what they've earned, but the boy eventually hidesss the ball and they lossse.»
«What do you think I am, stupid? I already knew that.»
As he reinserted the coin into his bag, Erevon felt a twinge of humiliation.
The stranger grinned, her bright yellow scleras flashing at him. Her skin had a cold black colour, with a few scales scattered throughout, particularly on the sides of her face and on her forehead. Aside from a few rows of twist braids in the middle of her head tied by a silver ring, her black hair was buzz cut.
«What'sss your relationssship with Kaelin?», she said, her black forked tongue gently hissing.
The elf's eyes widened in astonishment at her knowledge of the half-elf's name. Then he remembered what the other had said about knowing the Rogues of Tilverton. She was undoubtedly one of them, since he had seen her in front of their inn before.
«Who's asking this question?» he said, staring down at her.
«The name'sss Sssylanna, dear. How about you?»
«I'm Erevon», he responded after a brief hesitation.
«It'sss a pleasssure to meet you, Erevon. Can you anssswer my quessstion now that we've been acquainted?»
«Kaelin is... a person I know.»
«I sssee. And what about the othersss?»
Erevon narrowed his eyes. He may have been gullible enough to bet his money in a scam, but he knew not to trust a stranger who asks too many questions.
«Why would you care?»
«I'm a colleague of hisss», Sylanna answered, shrugging.
«Really? How?»
The rogue grinned and leaned in closer.
«An anssswer for an anssswer. Tell me about the other people.»
The elf pursed his lips and sighed, then said: «They're simply our driver and two other passengers.»
«Good boy», she grinned, «And to anssswer your quessstion, Kaelin and I have worked together on a number of misssionsss.»
«What kind of missions?»
«Conversssion therapy.»
With a flick of her right hand, something appeared between her index and middle fingers. A glossy black circle surrounded by a purple frame. Shar's emblem. He now understood what she was holding when he first noticed her. The item vanished with another swift movement.
She tilted her head after a brief silence and asked: «You're not a follower, are you? Why are you travelling with Kaelin, then?»
«He, too, isn't a follower, as far as he told me. Can he not be travelling with a friend?»
Sylanna laughed.
«A friend, how cute», she shook her head, «He hasss no friendsss. He only interactsss with thossse who can give him sssomething. What are you bringing to hisss table?»
Erevon was puzzled. The half-elf wanted him to apologise to Blackthorn for the wrecked mission, but he had mostly given him a lift so that Erevon might be helped by his master. He was the one who was giving him something.
«I don't believe there's anything in particular... I only wish to meet his master.»
The yuan-ti began to circle around him, making him anxious.
«Why?» she said, coming to a halt in front of him.
The elf glanced down.
«Personal matters.»
«Oh, Pointy Earsss has busssinesss to do!» Sylanna remarked humorously.
Erevon exhaled and gave her a confident gaze.
«My turn to ask questions now.»
«Oh, sssorry, time'sss up. He'sss coming», she pointed behind him, «Very fassst.»
Erevon turned to glance back and saw Kaelin approaching them at full speed, his black eyes locked on the yuan-ti. With an oblique movement of his arm, the half-elf snapped his finger. The elf recognised he was attempting to cast a spell on Sylanna. He turned to face her, but she had vanished. The blonde one surpassed him, but Erevon grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer.
«What on Toril are you doing?!»
«Let me go!» he yelled, attempting to break free from the grip.
«No way! Explain yourself.»
Kaelin grunted and took a few breaths.
«Why were you talking with her?»
Erevon relaxed his grip on his wrist.
«Why are you taking me to Arabel?»
The half-elf frowned.
«Have you lost your memory? To meet my master, of course!»
«We both know you never do anything out of kindness. There must be other motivations. Do you wish to recruit me into Blackthorn's little circle of servants? Do you want me to turn into a Sharran? What exactly is it?»
Kaelin groaned and shifted his gaze to the side.
«Fuck...» he said, his hand over his face. Then he returned his stare, this time more serious, his lips still covered.
Erevon spread his arms and raised one eyebrow.
«Are you going to answer me or not?»
The half-elf removed his palm and leaned in closer, laying a hand on his chest.
«You claimed you trusted me... Is it no longer the case?»
«Yes, but...»
«I know your powers cause you a lot of suffering,» he whispered, his palm moving to his cheek, «but my master will take care of all your problems.»
«I... I understand, however... Don't you want something?»
Kaelin took a breather.
«I want you. Your body. Your eyes. Your heart. I want all of you... All for me.»
Erevon held his breath, feeling speechless. The other drew in even closer, his gaze was compelling.
«Do not leave me», the blonde one said, grabbing his chest plate.
«Kaelin, sweetheart, I'm not going anywhere...» the elf smiled, caressing his hair, «I'm sorry for doubting you, that woman told me certain things that...» he didn't finish his statement, instead letting out a long sigh.
«I warned you about such individuals. They cannot be trusted. They lie.»
«How come you work with them?»
«Sometimes my master requests me to cooperate alongside other people, mainly Nightbringer's followers, mostly rogues.»
Erevon nodded slowly, thinking about it.
«Would you ever refuse to carry out one of Blackthorn's orders?»
Kaelin let out a sigh.
«I have always obeyed his orders because he knows what I am ready to fight for», he pursed his lips, «Although I have not always been able to fulfill his missions.»
«What do you mean exactly?»
The half-elf paused before answering: «The entire owlbear thing... It was a kind of punishment for failing a previous task.»
The elf looked at him with curiosity, waiting for him to explain. Kaelin looked around before taking him arm in arm.
«Let us not stand here. It is time to rejoin the others», the blonde one added.
They began heading towards Jonstyl's Banner and Erevon listened as he spoke.
«Blackthorn, as a member of the clergy, must occasionally appease Shar since he does not want his powers taken away again. He has a number of clerics at his disposal who he often sends on missions. However, there are situations when someone with exceptional stealth skills is required.»
«That's a lengthy premise...»
«Shush. Blackthorn employs a large number of staff, including chefs, butlers, maids and guards...»
«All coming from prison like you?!»
«What? No, of course not. You would never let a thief clean your valuables, would you? Some of the guards are ex-convicts, but even though Blackthorn is extremely powerful, he cannot release a whole cell of inmates, especially if they are sentenced to death. It would attract too much attention. I was carefully chosen to become his most devoted servant. And I am.»
Erevon nodded slowly in thought.
«I see... So, if Blackthorn told you to murder me, would you do it?» he questioned, lifting an eyebrow.
Kaelin shook his head and stuttered.
«I mean... Well... I know how to handle him. I am confident I could persuade him to withdraw the command.»
The elf grinned slightly and pinched his arm.
«Aww, so you care about me!»
«Anyway», grumbled the half-elf as he caressed his own arm, «As I was saying before you cut me off...»
«It's not my fault you're taking your sweet time telling me about your failed mission!»
Kaelin drew his arm back and came to a halt, his hands on his hips, frowning.
«I just want to make a clear point that I am not someone who avoids his responsibilities!»
Erevon also stopped and rolled his eyes.
«Sure, I had no doubts! Go on
The blonde one groaned and resumed his walk.
«Long story short, a while ago Blackthorn requested me to infiltrate the Shadowspires, a temple of Mask in Westgate, on the Dragon Coast. I was meant to cause some chaos in order to disrupt their operations.»
«All by yourself?»
«Are you doubting my abilities?»
«I mean, you've already told me you failed...»
Kaelin growled and turned to the side.
«Fine, it was a risky assignment. Thieves, of course, are fully aware of how someone may sneak into their temple and have put several defences in place. Blackthorn knew through intel that there was only one way in and a group of agents could not have made it inside.»
«What happened after that?»
«Well, things went downhill from there. I am not sure if it was a bad day or what, but nothing went as planned. I was soon surrounded by at least thirty people. I was lucky to make it out alive. And I did not even succeed in killing anyone!»
«What a shame...» Erevon muttered sarcastically, shaking his head. «No, but really, I'm very sorry this happened to you. Were you hurt?»
«I was stabbed in the leg. Which is terrible when you need to flee. When I finally got out of town, I still had a knife lodged in my thigh. I was able to recover and return to Arabel, and... Let me just say Blackthorn was displeased. Fortunately, he needs me, so he merely punished me by sending me out in search of the owlbear, most likely because he did not want to see my face for a bit. The remainder of the story is well known to you.»
Erevon pursed his lips as he watched him.
«Now I feel horrible for making that animal explode... Will he punish you for returning empty-handed once again?»
Kaelin smiled brighly and clutched his arm again, resting his head on it.
«This time, I can rely on you.»

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