00 - Prologue - Sam Wood's Point Of View.

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"Sitting here and waiting for the new CEO to come and speak is not my ideal lunch." A nurse complained, glancing at me. But there was nothing I could do either. This entire department was waiting for the CEO.

"I'm sure he will be here shortly." I hummed, finishing my coffee. "Someone page me when he arrives. I have a few patients I want to go check on quickly."

Making a few rounds before grabbing a water bottle. I went back to the front desk, and everyone was dispersing back to their respective positions.

"Doctor Woods, you missed the new CEO. We tried to page you, but he wanted to make a point, and wouldn't allow us." A random nurse I didn't know said.

"I understand, thank you."

Heading to my office, I opened the door. A tall, silver eyed dominant Alpha sat in my chair, and he did little to hide the annoyance on his face.

"Hello?" I said.

"Good afternoon, Doctor Woods."

"Good afternoon....?" I said, allowing the end of my sentence to trail off.

"Had you been at the meeting I requested, we would have been introduced already," he said, his tone less than friendly.

"Ah. Right." I hummed. There was no point arguing about that with him. Setting the water bottle on my desk, I gave him my full attention. "I'm sorry. I went to check on a few people."

"I hear you're a highly skilled doctor at your young age." He said, his words appearing aggressive. Followed by his pheromone scent slamming me with the scent of spicy lime and coconut.

"Mr Clarke. The pheromone dump you just gave me was unnecessary. I apologized for not being at your meeting." I bitched, annoyed with his attitude already. This was your typical dominant Alpha behaviour. I was used to dealing with this type of behaviour from other Alphas, but I wasn't in the mood to deal with it now. I knew I had to keep my cool and stay calm, so I took a deep breath and replied, "I'm sorry, that was inappropriate. Let's move on to the task at hand."

"As I told your coworkers, I have fully stepped up as the CEO of the Clarke Medical Private Hospital. Any and all concerns about your department will reach me. This hospital is the pride and joy of my father, and I intend to keep it that way, no matter what, Doctor Woods." He said, his tone was unfriendly. Standing up, he excused himself from my office. Stopping again in the doorway and turning. "I'll be having monthly meetings with departments and their doctors. Do try to be there on time. I would hate to dirty that skilled record of yours, Doctor Woods."

I waited for a few moments before cracking the window and allowing his scent to disappear. Sighing, I dosed the room in my lighter, pheromone. Last thing I needed was a coworker or patient becoming overwhelmed by that scent of his. Coconut and lime.

Grabbing a snack out of my bag, I devoured it and drank down half the bottle of water. My lunch was almost over, wasted on a conversation with the CEO. Reid Clarke.

It wasn't like he was a stranger. We all knew his name, his face not so much. Now that I did know his face, I could avoid him. Like I did his father.

Heading back onto the floor, I picked up some files on my way through. The scent of coconut and lime was lingering throughout the entire department. I hated to admit it, but his scent was aggravating. As a doctor, who worked with pheromones on the daily, you would think I would be used to it.

Checking my watch, I slowly made my way to the meeting room. There were a few patients we needed to discuss. Treatment plans, surgeries, and things of that nature. The nurses assisting in the recovery for the main patient were already inside. Doctor Connell was the last person to arrive.

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