Chapter Eighteen - You Are Christopher Price

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"I will walk them to the tree line." Vialo exclaimed quickly.

"Vialo...I think they can walk themselves there, don't you think?" Tatal questioned nervously.

"They've never been this deep into the forest, they may get lost." Vialo replied.

Tatal let out a defeated sigh. "Alright, but be back quickly. It is getting dark." Tatal ordered.

"I will." Vialo cooed, before walking off.

"Bye guys!" Nick shouted, gaining waves from the remaining five that were staying behind.

The group of four walked in silence for a while until Nick gave Matt a nudge to gain his attention. "What?" Matt asked in an annoyed tone. Nick just rolled his eyes before motioning to Chris and Vialo who were walking behind them at a slower pace. Matt looked back for a second before meeting Nick's eyes again. He made a face indicating that he didn't understand what Nick was trying to say.

"Jesus." Nick whispered, grabbing Matt's hand and forcefully dragging him forward a few feet.

"What the hell Nick?" Matt hissed, ripping his hand out of Nick's grasp.

"Are you stupid?" Nick questioned.

"I'm sorry?" Matt barked angrily.

"They like each other. They were purposefully walking slower so they could be alone, but every time they would slow down, so would you." Nick groaned. "I swear you have no social cues." Nick chuckled.

"Alright, so I didn't notice! That does not mean I don't have social cues, asshole." Matt grunted as he sat on a rock to his side.

"That has yet to be proven." Nick replied in kind, sitting next to Matt.

"Do they always fight like that?" Vialo asked curiously.

"Yes, they care about each other, but they will never admit it." Chris laughed. "I wanted to say this earlier, but I didn't get the chance!" Chris announced abruptly.

"And what would that be?" Vialo laughed.

"Your English has improved so much! Sometimes I forget that you are Na'vi." Chris confessed. "How often do you study?" He asked.

"A few hours everyday." Vialo replied shyly. "I want to fully understand, so if we are ever in a dangerous situation I can get my family out of it." Vialo added.

"Well I think you are very impressive. Learning a language is not easy," Chris praised. "Especially when you are learning it alone." He laughed.

"Thank you." Vialo exclaimed. "I don't know much about you three." Vialo stated, looking over at Chris. "And I would like to." She added with a gentle smile.

Chris could feel his heartbeat slowly start to increase. "What...what would you like to know?" Chris asked.

"Is your family here?" Vialo started.

"No, they decided to stay on earth. I haven't heard from them in years." Chris exclaimed, his tone was sad and unsure. "I'm not sure they are even alive truthfully. Nick, Matt and myself are all in the same boat when it comes to family." Chris continued.

"Do you miss them?" Vialo questioned.

"I do...but it is a bit complicated." Chris admits.

"Why would it be complicated?" Vialo pried.

"I miss them, but at the same time I am not their child or brother." Chris exclaimed. "I am a copy of him in a different body." Chris chuckled at the words he was saying. "It sounds crazy doesn't it? I am making it more complicated than I need to." He stated, letting out a defeated sigh.

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