Chapter Fifty-One - You're Mine

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Deborah paused for a minute, feeling her blood pressure rising rapidly. "Look who it is. I knew you'd show up eventually." Deborah cackled, looking back at the group with a menacing grin.

"Is that so?" Lisa replied in kind, tightening her grip on the large gun in her hands.

"Lance saw you run off." Deborah barked. "Thanks to you, we were able to get across, so thank you." She added.

Lisa's nostrils flared out at Deborah's words before looking past her in Chris's direction. "Move!" She shouted. In the blink of an eye, Lisa had raised her gun and began unloading it. Bullets were flying through the air, Deborah being the only target.

"Get down!" Amy hissed, grabbing a few of her squad mates, and pulling them to the ground.

"Open fire!" Deborah ordered. It became a battle of who would run out of bullets first, and with every passing moment, Lisa's fear was growing. They didn't have enough ammo, and Deborah knew that. "Keep going! They're almost out of ammunition." Deborah laughed.

While the symphony of war echoed through the trees, Vialo and her family lay in wait, watching as their friends fought as hard as they could to stay alive. "Dad, what do we do?" Vialo whispered, fear pouring out of her eyes.

Pxäkngam looked down at his daughter and let out a nervous sigh. "We have to help...we may not have weapons like theirs." He confessed. "But we have what we know." He added with a smirk. "We have our weapons, and the tree to our advantage." She proclaimed.

"Your father is right. If we work together, we can take them out, one by one from above." Lìyìnuk continued, taking her place next to her husband. "We will save our friends." She promised. "But the little one's have to stay out of harm's way." Lìyìnuk ordered. "Sakire, you will stay with them here. Do not make a sound. Do not move." She added.

"No way! I am going with you." Sakire hissed, her tone took everyone by surprise. "I will not stay behind. They need all of us. I am a good shot, you know I am. I will fight, from a distance." Sakire stated, her tone steady and unwavering.

Lìyìnuk looked at her daughter for a moment. For whatever reason, at that moment, she finally saw Sakire as an adult. For the longest time she had always seen Sakire as a young defenseless child she needed to protect, but now that façade was gone. "Alright." Lìyìnuk agreed. "But if things get out of hand, you will run." Lìyìnuk ordered. "You will not fight my words. You will not defy me. You will take the children and run. Do you understand me?" She repeated.

"Yes." Sakire promised.

With Sakire's promise, Lìyìnuk left it there. She took hold of Sakire's hand and looked back to Pxäkngam for a plan. "Tell us what to do." She requested.

The plan didn't take long to conjure up. They had bows and enough arrows for each adult to have three shots. That was all they needed. "Everyone stay focused." Pxäkngam exclaimed, in a firm tone. "Let's end this war once and for all." Pxäkngam proclaimed, gaining a nod of agreement from his family.

And then they were off. The family splitting up in every direction. The tree's were now filled with threats, and Deborah had no idea. Vialo ran until she found the perfect viewpoint of Chris and Deborah. Once she saw just how dangerous the situation was, she realized that her father's plan...wasn't enough. Three shots per person wasn't enough. "Shit!" Vialo hissed under her breath. She quickly lined up her shot, and aimed it straight for Deborah's head, but when she fired...she missed. "No!" She barked.

"Natives!" Lance shouted, gaining everyone's attention.

"Fuck!" Chris growled, before punching one of Deborah's men square in the face. "Sorry Jeremy...but you won't be needing this anymore." He added, before crashing the handle of the gun into the marines face, knocking him out instantly. He wasted no time clearing Jeremy of all his ammo and weapons, before reloading the one in his hands. He then brought his attention to Matt, who was being cornered. "Matt!" Chris exclaimed, now running full speed in his friend's direction. "Catch!" Was all Chris stated, as a handgun was launched in Matt's direction and by the grace of God, Jesus and Eywa Matt caught it.

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