Chapter Twelve

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~Age 18~

I looked up from the sealing scrolls I was reviewing when I heard the door open unexpectedly. But when I looked over to the sleeping ninken on the couch next to me, neither one of them even so much as twitched an ear in response. They were both sound asleep as comfy as they could possibly be.

"I'm home." Kashi shouted into the apartment. He sounded exhausted and frustrated.

Leaving the scroll on the coffee table, I got up to my feet and headed toward the door. As I suspected, he was pissed. His shoulders were tense, and I could see his jaw clenched. He tossed his keys aimlessly on the kitchen counter, which was definitely out of character for him, and tossed his kitsune mask next to it.

"Welcome home." I said softly as I leaned against the wall that connected to Naruto's room. "Are you okay?"

He sighed wearily. "Yeah, just. . . tired, I think." He said, running his hands through his hair.

"Kashi, I know you better than that. Just tell me what's wrong, maybe talking about it will help you feel better." I offered moving in front of him and wrapping my arms around his neck, to which he wrapped his hands around my waist.

He sighed. "They put a kid in the ANBU today. He's eleven. Normally, it wouldn't bother me, but with how long we've been taking care of Naruto, it just . . . I don't know. It doesn't sit right."

"Or are you jealous someone beat your title of joining the ANBU at the youngest age?" I said playfully. He shook his head with an eye roll and pulled me closer to him, burying his face into the crook of my neck.

"I swear you and your jokes." He muttered against my neck.

I chuckled under my breath and ran my fingers through his hair. One of the things I've learned over the years with us dating was that he loved it when I raked my fingers through his hair. It was just one of those things that he really liked. He says it's relaxing in a way.

"I'm sorry. You're right. This isn't the time for jokes." I said, continuing to rake my fingers through his hair. "And I understand where your concern is, Kashi. But you have to remember, you were, what, just two or three years older than him now when you joined? I know that's not comforting to hear, but there's obviously a reason why Lord Third placed him in the ANBU. By no means do I approve of a child being in the ANBU, but you should give him a chance. If you don't think he has what it takes, I'm sure Lord Third will listen to you."

"It was Lord Danzo that recruited him." He mumbled in a sigh.

I grimaced. That changes a few things. Lord Danzo might be highly looked upon, but after the events that happened after Minato Sensei and Kushina's death, Kakashi and I have been pretty hesitant with trusting him.

"I'm sure Lord Third would still listen to your concerns. Especially if you're going to be this kid's captain, right? Which is what I'm assuming is what is really upsetting you."

He nodded his head. "It's just. . . frustrating. He's just a kid."

"Kashi." I chuckled under my breath as I picked his head up so I could look at his face. "We were in a war when we were his age, honey. Granted, we had no place being in that war, but unfortunately, that's just the risks with this type of job." I said, rubbing my hands up and down his arms in a comforting way. "Give the kid a chance first. If you feel like he doesn't have what it takes, I'll even go with you to Lord Third's office. And you know I'll raise hell. Even if he is the Hokage, I'll just respectfully tell him that he's delusional and needs to get his meds checked."

He blew air out of his nose in an attempt to hold back his laugh. "Emi -"

"You and I both know I'll do it too." I said with a smirk.

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