Chapter 14

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~Time Skip a Month~

"Winner, Naruto Uzumaki!"

I jumped up to my feet and obnoxiously started to cheer in celebration. "That's my boy!" I shouted over the loud roar of the crowd. A few people turned to me with looks like I was a crazy person, but honestly, I didn't care in that moment. This was about Naruto, and I was going to make it known I was proud of him regardless of what everyone still thinks of him. After all, I'm his number one fan.

Sakura giggled next to me as she pulled at my shirt to get me to sit down. "I think that's a bit much, Emiko." She teased.

I looked down at her with a smirk. "I can be louder, Sakura."

As I turned back to the battlefield, I saw Naruto looking right at me. As our eyes locked, he gave me a signature thumbs up and a big toothy grin. I returned it and mouthed 'proud of you' before he cleared off the field to move on to the next battle.

As everyone started taking their seats again, I turned to Sakura. "I'm going to go to the concession stand to grab a snack. Do you want anything, sweety?"

"I can go with you. I don't think Kakashi Sensei will be okay with you being on your own." She said hesitantly, grabbing her small bag.

"I'll be okay, Sakura. It's not like I'm leaving the stadium." I assured. "Besides, you should be here to cheer your classmates on."

She hesitated at first but ultimately agreed to stay by putting her bag back down on the ground. I gave her a small smile and climbed up the small number of steps to get out of the stadium and down to the concession area. I let out a small groan when I saw the line going out into the main lobby.

'I just hope I don't miss Sasuke's match now.' I sighed to myself as I moved to the end of the line.

"Em? Emiko."

I turned around at my name with a slightly confused look. It was a woman with bright red eyes and long black hair. She was wearing a white dress with red stripes that had one red long sleeve.

"I know you probably don't remember me." She said sheepishly.

"No, no. I think I remember . . . Kurenai, right?"

She nodded excitedly. "Yeah! Hey, your memories must be getting better then."

I have her a small smile and a nod. "Some things are coming back a bit better than others. Kashi has been giving me different pictures from the kids in the village, and that's been helping a lot too." I chuckled under my breath.

"Oh! Well, here! I always keep some pictures in my wallet. They're nice to look at when you've been out on missions for a long time." She admitted with a smile as she reached into her bag and pulled out a few pictures from her wallet. She hesitated at first but held them out for me to take with a smile. I took them carefully and looked between the small wallet sized photos. There were only four of them, but just briefly looking at them, I could see why she chose them. They all looked like happy memories.

She pointed to the one where her and I were in the center of the picture with big toothy grins that caused our eyes to squint, and we were holding up peace signs. Behind us, I recognized Guy but not the other two, their arms slung over each other's shoulders. We were significantly younger, by the looks of it our mid teens.

"This is still my favorite." She giggled softly. "Do you remember it?" I shook my head slightly with a sigh. "That's okay. This was when the karaoke spot first opened."

I narrowed my eyes as I scanned the photo again, but no matter how hard I looked, I still couldn't find Kashi in it. "Hey, Kurenai? How come Kashi isn't in this one?"

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