Chapter 6

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As Dr. Choi suspected, the ANBU were at the door at day break. Unfortunately, Kakashi wasn't allowed to come with me. Which scared me a little. I didn't know any of these people, their masks certainly didn't help, and the way they just surrounded me as we walked toward the Hokage estate made me feel more like a prisoner than a patient.

"Wait here." One of them instructed. He slid into the door behind me, leaving me in the hallway with the other three ANBU.

I swayed on my toes and clasped my hands behind my back awkwardly.

"So. . . how's it going?" I asked, trying to fill the silence.

The three of them blew air out their nose and shook their heads disapprovingly.

"Sorry, I don't like awkward silences." I said sheepishly.

"We know." One of them pointed out.

I chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of my neck. "I hope I don't offend you when I say I don't have much memory of the ANBU or the people in it." I said sheepishly.

The mood in the air shifted drastically. "We know." Another sighed.

The door opened behind me, and I turned to see the ANBU standing there. He nudged his head for me to enter, and I stumbled a bit over my feet as I tried to hurriedly follow behind him. My eyes focused on just about every small thing that was in the room. The fireplace that crackled with life to my right held small trinkets and miniature figures of the different shops and buildings in the village. In front of it was a small sitting place with a stack of books that all sat on top of a red oriental carpet with gold accents. Which, actually looking around, the room was covered in stacks of books.

One of the ANBU next to me gently nudged my arm with theirs, and my eyes instantly snapped to the person who was sitting at the desk. He was an older tan man with white hair that had obvious signs of bolding. His age spots and wrinkles gave away his true age though. It looked as if he was waiting for me to acknowledge him. His hands were folded on top of his desk, a small smile on his face, as he watched me.

I turned to the ANBU next to me with a questioningly look. "I - uh- I don't remember." I whispered sheepishly.

"Lord Third, you must forgive, Emiko. Given her state she cannot quite remember who you are." He said dropping to one knee next to me, his head dipping to the floor.

I chuckled nervously and gave him a small wave. "Sorry." I muttered.

He chuckled and stood out of his chair. "That is okay, Emiko. Dr. Choi at the hospital as already informed me of your condition. Part of why I did not disturb you as you looked around my room."

My face burned red from embarrassment. "S-Sorry. I didn't -"

He held his hand up to stop me. "Dr. Choi also informed me of your situation with your chakra. Rest assured. I have reached out to the best of the best and we will have this situation taken care of as soon as possible. After all, we can't have a S-Ranked Kunoichi, such as yourself, going without your chakra, now can we?"

"S-Ranked?" I whispered to myself, making the ANBU kneeling next to me turn his head to me.

"That's a good thing, Emiko. It means you're extremely powerful. Just as your husband is." He said softly in response.

"Thank you."

The Hokage clapped his hands together, making me snap my head up to him. "Shall we then?" He said moving around his desk and toward the door. One of the ANBU held the door open for him and bowed as he exited the room.

"Oh!" I gasped as I quickly followed behind him, the remaining ANBU following swiftly behind me.

As we walked down the hall, I turned the the ANBU to my right that had assisted me in the Hokage's office. His kitsune mask was very simple, a plain white mask. The only distinguishing characteristics of it was the triangle portion that went over his right eye was green.

The Forgotten (Kakashi x OC) (Discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ