Not an Update

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Hey guys! Long time so see! 

So I just wanted to go ahead and give a really quick apology. The story has, unfortunately, come to an end. Honestly, I've just lost all motivation to keep writing after I've lost the chapter's I already had written out. Although I think the truth is I lost the motivation to keep writing and putting it out there for the world to see. While I feel like my imagination has the potential to create something worth entertaining others, I'm mediocre at best when it comes to putting my words on paper and my vocabulary isn't as broad as I would like for it to be. It's not you, the viewer, that makes me feel I'm not worthy enough as a writer -even if it's just a simply, silly fanfiction-  it's my inner perfectionist that hates how incomplete my mental image comes out when I reread what I've written over and over again. 

I don't know how some of you do it - write such incredible stories that paint a beautiful picture in the reader's head. But I commend those of you that have put your work out there. It's definitely a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. 

On another note, 4k reads? Wow! I really can't believe my story had reached that many people. It almost makes officially ending it that much harder. Thank you, to every single one of you that hung around for so long. For those that gave me words of encouragement, constructive criticism, interacted with the chapters, and for those who message me to check in on me. 

Thank you for making what I thought would be a looked over fanfiction into something.  

Maybe one day I will come back with something new, something that I am more comfortable sharing with the world and proud of. But for now I'm going to work on expanding my writing and doing my research. I do hope, though, that I will be able to put something out there again even if it is a short story or a one-shot. So this isn't goodbye! Just see you later. 

Take care, everyone!

Take care, everyone!

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The Forgotten (Kakashi x OC) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now