Chapter One

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~5 years old~

"Emiko wait!"

I heard from behind me, but honestly I couldn't give a single care in the world. I didn't care if it was the Hokage that was calling me, I wasn't going to stop running. I was so mad, no, I was livid. I know it's wrong to sneak around the Hokage's office, I know. But what else is a five year old suppose to do? The academy doesn't start for a few more days. I don't have any friends. Or, well, I do. But he's . . . grieving right now. It's been a few months, but who can really judge how long a person gets to grieve. But that's besides the point. Since I don't have anything else to do now, I resulted to sneaking around the Hokage building. It gives me something to practice, plus I like seeing the old man sweat sometimes.

But what I wasn't expecting to see was the letter he was reading. Apparently my uncle had been on some mission and was sending his weekly report to the Hokage. The first half of the letter was pretty self explanatory war related stuff, how he was keeping tabs on the Hidden Rain still from a distance to make sure they were still keeping their stance in the peace treaty even though their neighbor, the Hidden Stone, had asked for assistance in the war. The second half of his letter was sending his apologies that he had yet again been able to convince my mother to come back to the village. And that she had no intentions on returning back in the near future, but he would keep trying.


As in he had tried how ever many times before, and she still didn't want to see me.

I have never known my parents. All I knew was my dad was killed just before my mom found out she was pregnant with me, and it cause her to spiral. After I was born my uncle looked after me for a short time until he was needed in the war efforts. I've seen him a few times, but I don't remember much of my earlier years with him.

She left me, and no matter how many times my uncle tried to convince her to come back she still didn't want me. She refused to come back to the village because of me.

And it hurt.

It hurt to know that the person who is suppose to love you no matter what, the person who literally made me for nine months, who scarified their body for me, didn't even want me. My own mother didn't want me.

So imagine the Hokage's face when he heard the faint little gasp of a child from behind him. The face he had when he saw my heart literally break right in front of him. I was out of that building before he could even try to explain. I didn't want to hear anyone's excuses for her, because I knew that, that was all they would be. Excuses.

I wanted to be alone. To be mad. To process everything that I just learned.

She didn't want me.

And I didn't even know who she was.

~Kakashi POV~

All day I've sensed them following me. While I was out in town getting groceries, and while I was fishing. Dropping the knife in my hand with a sigh, I looked up from the fish I was cleaning and out the window in front of me.

"Come on out. I have enough here. So you might as well stay and eat." I said plainly before turning back to the fish.

Obito chuckled nervously as his head poked out from behind the bushes. "You caught me." He said scratching the top of his head.

Rin popped out from behind him, taking Obito by surprise. "I'm sorry." She said giving an apologetic bow.

"Rin?!" He gasped with a faint dusting of pink on his cheeks.

I nudged my head for them to come in, and returned my focus back on cooking. But as I heard the two of them enter the house, my attention went back out the window. I was almost certain Emi would have been there too, but I guess not. I didn't blame her though. It's not like I've really given her a reason to keep being my friend. I haven't exactly been the nicest, especially to her, lately. But I can't help but admit I was pretty disappointed when I didn't see her head pop up.

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