Chapter 15

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~Emiko POV~

It's been two weeks since Lord Third's death. Everyone in the village has been working together to rebuild areas that suffered the most damage. It's been a slow process, but things have been slowly coming back together. Kashi reintroduced me to Master Jiraiya, or as Naruto called him Pervy Sage. I could tell it hurt that I didn't remember him, but he tried his best to play it off. But I've seen that look often enough now to know he was upset. While he and Naruto went to look for the Leaf's new Hokage, Kakashi promised him he would try his best to help me remember who he was. I wasn't too keen on Naruto leaving the village with someone I didn't remember, but Kashi assured me over and over that Master Jiraiya would protect Naruto. All I could do was trust my husband and watch as the little boy I raised as an infant walk out the village gates with this person I didn't remember.

It was hard.

But I understood why he needed to go.

I just wish that while everyone else was helping rebuild the village, I could do something to help. Even Kashi was helping more. Granted he wasn't too thrilled about leaving me while he did patrols around the gates. But he understood the village was on high alert and every Chunin and Jounin was needed to protect the village.

All but me of course.

No, here I was, stuck at home, staring at the fourth pregnancy test I took. All telling me positive.

"Oh, Kashi is not going to be happy." I sighed blowing air out my mouth. But I couldn't help but laugh at the deja vu.

And I just kind of sat there, on the bathroom floor, staring at all four of those tests for what seemed like forever. I was petrified, honestly. With all that's been happening, the village being attacked, being attacked at home, the Hokage dying, all I could do is think the worst. That I'd have yet another miscarriage, or something else would happen to prevent this baby from joining Kakashi and I. Another baby we would lose. The fifth baby, to be exact.

But at the same time, a little sliver inside of me was hopeful. Hopeful that maybe the universe will show mercy on us. That after all of the grief Kakashi and I had gone through, the universe will finally give us that one ray of sunshine we desperately wanted. And as much as I tried not to be, I couldn't help but be excited. Excited to have my own little bundle of joy. A small little version of me and Kakashi running around the house. Someone who would live in that little nursery that we built out of a closet.

Now for the hard part.

Telling him.

I heard the door open and close downstairs followed by Kashi's voice announcing he was home. I pushed the jittery feeling down and grabbed the pregnancy tests as I got back up. Looking down at the little plus signs again, I sighed and placed them into my pants pocket.


"In here." I said leaning into the mirror with a sigh.

'Just tell him. Just rip it off like a band aide and tell him. You already know he's going to freak out, so just get it over with.' I thought to myself.

The light knock on the door, tore my gaze away from my reflection. The door opened and he peaked his head inside, giving me a soft smile.

"You okay?"

I nodded returning the smile. "Just finishing getting ready." I lied.

He raised an eye brow, blowing air out his nose as a chuckle. "Emi, when are you going to learn that you can't lie?" He chuckled under his breath.

I chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck. "Yeah, I don't know why I even bother."

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong? Or am I going to have to drag it out of you?" He said playfully.

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