Chapter Two

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~Age Six~

~Emiko POV~

I leaned over, my pants pressed against my thighs, as I looked at the targets in front of me. Every last shuriken hit the center target, and I couldn't help but be proud of myself. I had been working on this all day. Usually I would miss one or two, but this time I hit every one dead center.

"Hey, look at you. You actually did it."

I rolled my eyes at the voice from above me. Straightening my back, I went to retrieve my shuriken from the targets so I could run the set again.

"Shouldn't you be, I don't know, on a mission or something." I said playfully as I turned back around to see Kakashi standing where I once was.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Just finished."

"So how is Genin life?" I asked taking my stance next to him, giving him half of my shuriken.

He shrugged again before throwing his dead in the center. "Right now it's mostly D-Ranked missions."

I nodded throwing mine, though it wasn't dead center, it hit the bullseye. Kakashi turned slightly toward me examining my stance, just as I was about to throw another, he pulled my wrist to a stop. He kicked my back foot a few inches closer to my front foot and adjusted my hips and shoulders to match my new stance. "You're shorter than I am, Emi. You'll be able to keep your body more center if your stance matches your height. Do they not teach you that at the academy?" He teased. "Now throw it."

I rolled my eyes, but chucked the shuriken. To my surprise it hit the center with a loud thunk and a crack. My eyes widened slightly as a crack formed in the log holding the target.

Kakashi blew air out his nose, shaking his head slightly. "Well at least we know you're putting enough force behind it." He said playfully.

"Oops?" I chuckled sheepishly.

"So how's the academy?" He asked throwing another shuriken, hitting it again dead center.

"Okay, I suppose. They bumped me up a class. So now I'm in your old class I think." I said throwing another one with less force, and hitting it dead in the center.

"That was better, by the way." He said turning to me briefly. "And I told you, didn't I? You were the smartest on in your class. I don't know why Lord Third waited so long to enroll you." He walked over to the targets. "Which, aren't you suppose to be in class now?" He asked narrowing his eyes at me as he looked over his shoulder.

"Relax, dad." I teased.

"Don't do that."

I giggled. "Besides we're on lunch right now. But I should be heading back soon. I just wanted to practice before we did our shuriken lesson. You know I hate humiliating myself."

He rolled his eyes and put the shuriken back in my hand. "Even with your stance being wrong, you're better than everyone in that class."

"Well aren't you just full of complements today." I teased. "It's your turn to pick dinner tonight, by the way. So what are we doing?" I asked as I grabbed the rest of my stuff and shoved everything in my backpack.

He shrugged. "How about you pick the food, and I'll pick the movie."

"You just hate my movie choices." I teased pulling my bag up on my shoulders.

"Well. . . "

"Jerk." I chuckled, punching his shoulder lightly. "I'll see you after class, Kashi." I said with a closed eyed smile, knowing damn well my little nick name for him will irritate him.

The Forgotten (Kakashi x OC) (Discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora