Chapter 13

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~Kakashi POV~

It was much later than I had originally hoped, but not too late. Or at least I hope it wasn't too late. Walking up to the house, I would see all the lights were off, but I could sense she was in there.

"I'm home." I called out as I closed the door behind me. There was no response, but I could hear the small shuffling of Pakkun's feet from upstairs. I slipped my shoes off and dropped the take out on the kitchen counter before making my way upstairs.

Pakkun was waiting at the top of the stairs, his tail wagging slightly.

"How did it go?" I asked softly.

"She's asleep now. I think those pictures worked well though. I don't know if what she said was what actually happened, but she was telling me stories about most of them. A few of the kids might be disappointed that she hasn't remembered them yet, but she's definitely getting there, Kakashi."

I gave him a small nod as I walked past him and peaked into the master bedroom. There she was, laying on top of the comforter on her stomach with an open photo album in front of her.

Pakkun slipped past me and jumped on the bed, making me almost scold him at the idea of him possibly waking my sleeping wife.

"She really liked this one the most it seemed." He said shifting through the album and resting his paw one picture in particular. My eyes opened slightly as I leaned forward and saw it was the picture of her, Tenzo, and Itachi.

"I thought she got rid of those." I said softly to myself.

Looking at it, I remembered exactly when this photo was taken. Itachi had been in the ANBU a few months, maybe. She was always insistent on getting to know who my comrades were, especially the ones I was on missions with the most. Maybe it was her way of trying to stay connected since she was taking care of Naruto then and wasn't going on missions.

The three of them hit it off almost instantly. Tenzo and her got really close, especially since the two of them share a similar kekkei genkai. They would often train together, or they would try to help each other with their jutsu. At first it use to drive me nuts, jealous even. But in reality she just really craved a friend that wasn't me and I didn't blame her. She was home alone with Naruto, who was. . . four or five at the time? And she was slowly going nuts.

As much as she loved Naruto, she missed her friends. Emi has always been the opposite of me. While I could care less if someone was there to talk to me and much prefered to be alone. . . well except with her, she needed social interaction. She always went to social events, lunches, if someone invited her someplace, she went. But it's hard to do all that when you're suddenly forced to be a mother at fourteen.

But her and Itachi. . . they had a different kind of bond. The only way I could really describe it was a sibling bond. She was like the older sister to him, and he looked up to her. Hell there were times he was more protective of her than I was. So when the massacre happened she was pretty messed up. She took Sasuke in for a while, while they looked for a more permanent solution for him. Though she did try to fight for him to stay with us, I had to remind her how we were struggling enough as it was with just Naruto. Not financially, but mentally. That kid was as crazy and chaotic as he is now.

I sighed thinking of the massacre.

"Does she remember what happened?" I asked the small pug softly.

He shook his head. "Just something about them coming over to the house? She almost made it seem like it was something that happened yesterday."

I rubbed my hand across my eyes with a sigh.

'That's going to be another hard one for her to relive.'

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