Could it be?

14 2 0

Ajax pulled the cap down lower and reached up to scratch the back of his neck, while also making sure no hair was poking out. This disguise would work for a quick glance over, but he wasn't sure if it would cut it for a full blown interrogation. The Feiyun Commerce building was a large building and very well protected. Though Ajax was sure he could take on half the milleth on his own, that didn't seem like a good idea.

The blue haired man stood at the front of their little procession and looked like he was turning something over in his mind, but couldn't figure it out. What was his name again? He was the little bookworm that often visited the library, but what was his name?

A woman stood besides him and she was much further along in years. She seemed to be some kind of assistant to Blue Hair. Ajax was also sure he knew who she was. During his time in the Northland Bank here he was sure he had had dealings with her, but what was her name? He really should have paid more attention to all the people that he had dealings with.

Blue Hair opened up a door for them that led to a decently large office. It had bookshelves lining every wall and a desk against one wall. A window looked out towards the southernmost point of the harbor and a couple chairs were arranged on a thick carpet.

"Please," Blue Hair sat down behind his desk and gestured to the other chairs. "Have a seat."

Saya looked warily over at Ajax and he nodded with a small smile that he hoped was reassuring. She smiled back and sat down with Chongyun in her lap. The little boy hadn't said a word since they left the ship and thank goodness for that. Ajax honestly didn't think a kid that naive and innocent could manage a believable lie.

"Let me introduce myself," Blue Hair said, folding his hands on his desk. "I am Xingqiu. The second son of the leader of the Feiyun Commerce Guild. And this is my assistant, Zhushou. I trust her with my life."

The woman, Zhushou, stood a little straighter with the praise and the shadow of a smile danced on her lips. Ajax had to stifle his own smile, so satisfied with knowing their names again, but something still nagged at him. Xingqiu... That boy, this man, something important had happened concerning him... What was it?

"I'd like to start this conversation off with one thing, anything that is said here will not leave this room. I vow that to you and I hope that I can expect the same from the three of you."

Ajax and Saya nodded with Chongyun following only a moment later. What was this getting at?

"Now that that is sorted out, Shintaku," A smile crept onto Xingqiu's face. "Would you please remove your cap?"

"I- I'm sorry, sir," Ajax coughed, forcing his voice lower. "This hat was my father's. I don't like taking it off for any reason."

"Oh, there's no need to worry," Xingqiu said, his smile growing. He cocked his head slightly to the side. "You can simply place it in your lap, can't you?"

"I-" Ajax tried to think up a plausible excuse, but they had almost milked the dead parent thing dry already. With no other choice, he slowly removed the cap to reveal his shocking ginger hair.

"Fascinating," Xingqiu's smile only got bigger. "Three completely unique hair colors in one family, and I must say... Shintaku, you look an awful lot like a certain fatui harbinger that departed from the harbor just a little bit ago."

"Hm, do I?" Ajax asked, weakly. It was useless at this point, but what else was there to do?

"Ugh!" Xingqiu slammed his hand onto his desk and he rose to his feet. His smile disappeared into a scowl. "Give it up already! Just tell me why a ship that hasn't docked once in this harbor since he left is carrying a fatui harbinger and a toddler that looks exactly like him?"

"Sir- Xingqiu," Zhushou placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know this is frustrating after all this time, but please calm down."

"Fine then," Xingqiu flopped down into his chair. He rubbed his hand across his face. "Could you just... I-"

He covered his face with both his hands and let out a frustrated groan. He kicked the side of his desk and cursed under his breath.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tartaglia and to the two of you as well," Zhushou said calmly. "Years ago a very close friend of Master Xingqiu disappeared with nothing more that a suicide letter. No body was ever found, you see. The Karlin was a ship that left the harbor that day and hasn't returned once since. He thought- Well, we had both hoped that maybe we could find a clue that would show that maybe Chongyun was still alive. And... the boy that you're traveling with just looks so much like him..."

"Wait," Chongyun tilted his head to the side and sat up a bit straighter. Ajax almost jumped across the room for the boy before the little toddler uttered the words that screwed them all. "But I'm Chongyun."

~author's note~

and look at that Xingyun has been reunited. One is just kinda a toddler. I'm sure it will all work out, but who knows? (I certainly don't) Anyways, thanks for reading.

chapter art posted by @princess_sylveon

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