All An Act

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"Chongyun. Hey, Chongyun." Chongyun woke to Tonia standing above him. He nearly fell off the couch when he saw the sword in the girl's hand.

"Woah, calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you." Tonia raised her hands in surrender, but still kept her grip on the sword's hilt. "Look, I- I'm sorry about all the things I said. I've been really unfair to you and Saya and Ajax. To make up for it, I wanna show you my secret in the forest."

She smiled warmly and reached a hand out to Chongyun. He accepted it and pulled on a pair of boots before stepping out the door after Tonia. The night was dark, but the moon was full and the stars gave enough light to guide them.

Tonia darts through the trees she had known all her life. Her hair had been tied back into twin braids and a scarf was tied around her neck. The sword was still in her hand, but she spun through the trees like they weren't even there. Chongyun managed to keep up, if only barely.

They eventually came to a clearing in the woods. At the center stood a single stump dusted with snow. Tonia leaped atop the stump and stood on like it was a stage. Then her act fell and the real performance began.

Chongyun was bent over catching his breath. It had been a long run and not exactly easy in the dark. He took a deep breath and caught the distinct tang of blood in the wind.

His head snapped up and he looked at Tonia. A twisted grin marred her soft features and blood dripped from her blade and the cut she had just made on her arm.

Hello, Darling.

"I heard what Ajax said that night. 'Blood seems to trigger the other thing.' So what's the other thing? What's your secret Chongyun?" Tonia let out a laugh as the blood slowly dripped down her arm. "I promised you a secret, didn't I? I'll tell you mine then you can tell me yours."

Tonia spun on the stump and drops of her blood fell into the snow. Chongyun couldn't take his eyes off the crimson stains in the snow and barely heard Tonia's words.

She has only ever tried to hurt you. Go and return the favor, my child.

"My secret is that I will do whatever is necessary to protect my family. I'll kill you and myself if it means they stay safe." Tonia stopped in her dance and her blood slid down towards her hand. "Look. At. You. I can see the hunger in your eyes, why don't you just come and get it."

She wants you to attack her, lovely. Go ahead and give her her wish.

"You're just one of the Fatui's twisted pets!" Tonia spat, she flicked her wrist at Chongyun. Her warm blood hit his face. Tonia's grin grew wider. "Come get it, boy!"

Go get her, for me. Please, darling.

Chongyun began to smile. A great grin full of fangs. He felt his body grow larger and dark claws formed over his hands.

"You really are a monster!" Tonia yelled with a crazed giggled. She raised her sword. "Come at me, monster!"

Not needing any more encouragement, Chongyun leaped towards her with a roar. He reached for her, but she leaped off the stump just before he got to her. She cut at him with her sword and cut along the side.

Chongyun spun around and hissed in pain. He fell to his knees as himself, the monster momentarily gone. "Tonia," Chongyun gasped out. "Tonia, please stop. You'll only hurt both of us."

"Oh, so now you can talk regularly?" Tonia laughed. "Can't talk when a monster is locked inside you, but when it's free so are your words?"

"Tonia... please."

Don't bother with words, dear. Just feast and eat. For me?

The monster was released again and Chongyun swung for Tonia. She jumped out of the way, but he caught her on the shoulder and drew more blood. He jumped for her throat, fangs bared. She blocked him with the side of her sword, but her shoulder was bleeding far too much. Her movements were a bit slower as blood flowed from both her arm and her shoulder.

She raised her blade and swung for Chongyun's head. She let out a desperate cry as her sword cut through the air. Chongyun caught the blade in his claw and smashed it.

Tonia dropped the hilt and took a wary step backwards. Fear disrupted her actions and she stumbled backwards, but she still hadn't given up. She threw a handful of snow at Chongyun, but it did nothing to stop him. He reached out a clawed hand and grabbed Tonia by her neck. Chongyun slowly lifted her up against a tree and stared at her.

"My goodness," Tonia rasped, as she kicked and clawed at Chongyun's hand. "Just kill me already, monster."

"CHONGYUN!" Something crashed into Chongyun and he fell over, releasing Tonia.

Hmm, the child of the abyss is back... Could you deal with him for me, darling?

"Chongyun! Snap out of it, buddy," Ajax wrapped his arms around Chongyun's neck and pulled him away from Tonia. "What were the stupid commands? What the heck were they?"

"A-Ajax?" Tonia whispered from the ground. She gripped her bloodied shoulder.

Chongyun flexed his back and tried to get free from Ajax's grip, but the harbinger held tight. Chongyun kicked out and clawed but couldn't free himself.

Oh, my child. Come now, you are so much stronger than him. Don't worry yourself about hurting the weakling.

Spurred on by the voice's words, Chongyun threw Ajax over his shoulder. He landed with a grunt next to his sister. Tonia reached over towards him, but he pushed her hand away and rose to his feet.

"Y-Yin!" Ajax called. "Playtime is over!" Without waiting to see if the commands had had any effect, Ajax jumped at Chongyun and pushed him back to the ground.

Goodbye for now, my love.

Chongyun tried to sit up and looked around frantically. The monster was gone for now, but Chongyun was in a state of panic.

"Tonia- Help her-" Chongyun gasped, desperately trying to free himself from Ajax's grip. "I- hurt her. She- need- h-help."

"Woah," Ajax tightened his hold on Chongyun, but helped him to his feet. "It's okay. I'll take care of both of you. You're both hurt. Everything is going to be okay, okay?"

"O-kay..." Chongyun whispered, before he collapsed into Ajax's arms.

chapter art by @RadioPieActive

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