That Night

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They stepped out into the snowy landscape just as the sun prepared to dipped out of sight. The shadows stretched out towards them, like claws reaching out for them. The dusk of such a day seemed ominous even though Chongyun tried to shake the feeling. Something was off. Even the world around him seemed to be trying to warn him. The journey ahead would have its risks, but choosing to hide forever was just as risky. At least if he was running, he was doing something.

With one deep breath and a smile back towards the rest of their small party, Ajax started off. He walked with purpose and was so sure of himself. Even as the sun slipped away and stars came out, he snaked between the trees without a moment of hesitation.

"Um, Ajax?" Saya said with a tilt of her head. "Why don't I hold the bag? It's kinda huge and must be super heavy."

Chongyun turned towards Saya. There was something strange about the way she had asked for the bags and Ajax seemed to have heard it too. He stopped for a moment and looked back at them.

It was too dark to see his face, but there was a nervous air that seemed to float off him. He shook his head and continued walking. Lowering his voice he said, "It's not too bad, just worry about yourselves. Oh, and drink some water. It's just as important to stay hydrated in the tundra as in the desert."

Ajax passed them back a skin of water. Chongyun took a wary drink and offered it to Saya, but she just shook her head.

Saya hesitated but followed after Ajax further into the woods. They passed through the clearing where Tonia and Chongyun had fought before and the moon's glow illuminated dark stains against the bark and the small stump.

Chongyun shivered from the memories but kept on walking. They walked and walked and walked. They trekked through the snow until weariness began to tug at Chongyun's body and the moon was high in the sky.

Chongyun tried to reach a hand out towards Ajax to ask if they could stop for the night, but his hand fell short.

"Woah, Chongyun," Saya whispered. She looked at him in the moonlight and worry crept into her gaze. "You do not look good. Ajax, can we stop for the night? Chongyun looks like he's about to throw up or something."

"No," Ajax said through gritted teeth, not even bothering to look back at them. "We need to make it just a bit farther."

"Ajax!" Saya called, anger rising in her voice. "Chongyun needs to rest. I don't care whatever weirdness you have going on, but we need to stop!"

"Keep your voice down," Ajax muttered, finally stopping.

"No!" Saya shouted. "You need to get over yourself and, I don't know, your fear of the dark, and help Chongyun. That is the whole reason that we have both put our lives on the line! We are here to help Chongyun!"

"I said 'KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN!'" Ajax roared, whipping around towards Saya. "I put my life on the line, but now my family has been caught in the crossfire. I need to get this boy before I lose one of them! We are going to keep going and you better keep your archons' forsaken voice down!"

Ajax's body heaved, his eyes filled with rage and fear. He looked like he was about to snap. Saya froze. Chongyun stumbled backwards in fear and the storm in Ajax's eyes calmed slightly.

"L- look, I'm sorry." Ajax ran his hand through his hair. "I'm just really worried about... well, everything. I just need you both to trust me."

"Ajax..." Saya grabbed Chongyun's arm and took a step back. "Why did you say you 'need to get' Chongyun?"

Ajax straightened a little. Saya continued to slowly walk back. She stepped backwards cautiously as if Ajax was an animal about to attack.

"We're escaping tonight, aren't we?" Saya's grip tightened. Chongyun stumbled along with her as his thoughts and vision began to blur. He knew only one thing. Something was wrong.

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