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warning: we got some blood, not as much as last chapter... kinda 

Yin woke up, covered in blood and frozen to his core. He was splayed out on the cold floor of the room where he had lost it. The bodies had all been taken out and dragged away, but their blood remained.

It was everywhere. On the floors, on the walls, on Yin. It covered his face and dribbled down his neck. It was painted across his chest and stained his hands. The blood had dried in his hair, leaving it crusty and firm.

The blood seemed to call to Yin. He wanted more of it. No, he didn't. No, no, no. He wanted to get out of here. Away from the voices and the monsters. Whoever and whatever they were.

Yin managed to sit up, but his head was pounding. He grabbed it as if he could hold the pieces of his mind together with his hands. His head was pounding, but the rest of him felt refreshed in a way that it hadn't in years. It was good, but all so wrong.

Yin didn't even try to stand. He just sat there, head in his hands, covered in blood. He tried to wipe the blood away, but it had dried and wouldn't budge. He began to scratch at his chest, but it wouldn't come off. He grabbed at his head again and let out a scream of frustration. Then, the door opened.

The door stood open across the room, but no one walked in. Instead, a single arrow flew through the air up towards the balcony. Three more quickly followed, all flying off in different directions above the balcony overhead.

A moment later, Mr. Childe stepped in. He had a bow in hand and wore a thick winter coat. As soon as he spotted Yin, he rushed forward.

"Hey, buddy," Mr. Childe started looking Yin over for any wounds. "Are you okay? How are you feeling? I thought you would still be unconscious, so this will make things a bit harder. It's fine though, everything is okay. Can you walk?"

Mr. Childe was clearly anxious, but about what? Didn't he work here? Yin tried to open his mouth to talk, but nothing came out.

"It's fine. I- I'll just carry you." With one swift move, Mr. Childe threw Chongyun over his shoulder and then raced over to a small pile in the corner of the room. "This is your stuff, right? So these clothes should fit. Um, we'll get this shirt on later. Let's go."

Mr. Childe rolled up the clothes, picked up a pair of boots, and threw everything else into a bag hidden beneath his cloak. Then he started to run. One hand held his bow and the other held Yin, though it was quite the rough ride anyways. Having no idea what else to do, Yin bounced along on Mr. Childe's shoulder. They dashed through the hallways without running into anyone. They went upstairs and around corridors and then there it was. The door out.

"Hey, stop- stop right there!" Someone called behind them. Mr. Childe stopped and spun around. Yin lifted his head to see a woman standing there. She wore a mask and a hood. An electro vision dangled from her neck. A bat was perched on her shoulder and another flew above her head.

"Say..a?" Chongyun rasped, his throat screaming at even just a single word.

"Put him down," Saya cried, tightening her grip on her lantern. "I don't care that you're a harbinger. Let my friend go. You and I both know that he didn't deserve any of the things that monster did to him."

"Woah, calm down, girlie," Mr. Childe raised a hand in a sign of peace, which wasn't very convincing since that hand was holding a bow. "We're both trying to rescue our little popsicle boy over here, so let's work together."

"Oh, really?" Saya's stance relaxed slightly. "You- you're rescuing him? Wait, why would you do that? Don't you live for bloodshed and all that stuff."

"Sure, I do." Mr. Childe shrugged. "But he doesn't and we need to get him out of here. I disabled all of the kameras, but it won't be long until they're all up again. If you want to help, come with me."

"I- You better not be lying to me!" Saya cried. "Now, let's get out of here."

The three hurried through the door and out towards the main gate. There were two guards there, but no one else.

"I- um, I'm really sorry Mr. Tartaglia," one of the guards started in an odd voice. "But I can't just let you walk out of here with the experiment."

"Oh, okay," Mr. Childe said with a grin. "I understand. Don't worry you won't have to let me do anything. Saya!" The two attacked at the same time and the two guards were on the ground in a moment.

"They're only unconscious. Don't worry," Mr. Childe whispered to Yin, but Yin's eyes were locked on the tiny dribble of blood from where the guard had been punched in the face. Yin wanted it. He wanted all of it, he wanted every drop of blood coursing through that man's veins.

The blood pulsing through the veins in Mr. Childe's neck suddenly seemed to beat harder against Yin's side. The heart beating in Saya's chest beat loud enough for Yin to hear.

"Woah, buddy," Mr. Childe tightened his hold on Yin's back. "Calm down, alright. We need to get you out of here."

"Let's go, sir." Saya held open the gate and the three ran far away from the lab. The three towers that had kept Yin locked up for so long. He was free, after all those years of pain, he was free. They ran as the snow fell softly from the sky. Saya and Mr. Childe's shoes left indents in the snow, but the wind and weather made them disappear moments later. They were free, or at least, they seemed to be.

~author's note~

Woo! Go Mr. Childe! We're free, we're free, we're free, right? Who knows! I honestly don't! Anyways, thanks for reading!

chapter art posted @Myokine

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