Chinju Forest

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The air crackled with electricity and a heavy mist clung to the trees. Though it should have been eerie, it was actually beautiful. Small lanterns lit the path and petals drifted quietly to the ground.

"Wow," Chongyun took in the forest and the smile that stretched across Saya's face. Though Gisei's face was masked, Chongyun could tell that he loved it here.

"Welcome to Chinju Forest, Yun," Gisei whispered, a smile in his voice. "This is where Saya was granted her vision."

"Yup!" Saya ran her hand down the trunk of a tree. "I wonder if..." Her voice trailed off as she walked through the forest. She bent over near the base of a tree and began to dig her hands into the soft earth.

Gisei scoffed and squatted down next to her. He pulled off his gloves and dug into the dirt beside her. Unsure what else to do, Chongyun joined in. They dug in silence for a few moments, then Saya began to hum a tune. Gisei chuckled and whistled along.

It was a mystifying moment. Three members of the fatui digging in a misty forest. A simple tune twisting through the trees. There was a simple joy that clung to all of them despite what had happened in the clearing only a little while ago.

After a few minutes of digging, Chongyun's nails scraped against something hard. Saya smiled and began to pull at the object. They quickly got it out of the hole they had made and brushed off the dirt.

It was a small box, sealed tight with a lock. Saya pulled a small key from some hidden pocket and slipped it into the lock. It turned with a small click, and the lock fell away. Gisei lifted the lid and inside were a collection of photos and a kamera. Gisei carefully lifted the kamera and turned it over in his hands, he sighed happily and ran his fingers along the side.

Saya pulled out the photos and began to laugh. She showed the photos to Yun with a grin. They were pictures of Gisei and Saya all across Inazuma. They made faces and weird poses for each picture. There was one of Gisei hanging from a tree, his coat falling over his grinning face. There was one of Saya playing with Lost and Found. In none of the photos were they wearing their uniforms.

This must have been from before they joined the fatui.

"Wow," Saya flipped through the pictures. "These were all so long ago. It's crazy how much time has passed."

There was suddenly a click and a bright flash. Chongyun stumbled back and reached for his claymore.

"Woah, calm down." Gisei said, placing a hand on Chongyun's shoulder. "I got my old kamera to work. I didn't think it would be possible after all this time."

A small square of paper came out from the kamera. Gisei shook it and a picture slowly appeared. He showed it to Chongyun with a small chuckle. The picture showed Chongyun jumping back and grabbing for his claymore. He looked ridiculous.

Chongyun looked at it in a moment of bewilderment, then began to laugh. He laughed in a way that he hadn't in a while. Spurred on by Chongyun's laughs, Saya began to giggle and even Gisei began to laugh. It really wasn't that funny, but in a way it was.

"Let's take one more, so it has all three of us together!" Saya said, once the laughter had finally stopped.

"Yes, ma'am," Gisei said with a laugh. "Okay, you guys. Smile!"

The kamera flashed. Gisei shook the photo then passed it around. The picture showed the three of them smiling up at the camera. It was weird, people had often muttered about how you couldn't trust the fatui. They talked about all their shady ways and traitorous personalities. Chongyun couldn't understand how anyone believed that.

Rumors had spread when Chongyun first began using his pure yang spirit to chase demons from people's homes. People had said that he was just a con man and a fake. It made sense when all he really appeared to do was sit there. It took years before people accepted that it actually worked, a few people even came and apologized. Not many though. Appearances can be deceiving as they say. Maybe the rumors about the fatui were nothing more than that. Senseless rumors. 

~author's note~

Aww, they're all so happy. It would be a shame if... someone ruined all that... >:} Thank you all for reading as always.

Chapter art is in-game

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