
36 2 0

warning: not much, but still some blood

Zandik sat on the metal chair in the center of the room, but it wasn't Zandik. The pieces missing from his core were small, but the dark spots were clear in the glowing stone. His smile was also different, it was less like Zandik's and more like Thirty Seven, twisted.

"I- um," Chongyun wasn't quite sure what to say. "Who are, well, um... What would-"

"You can call me Three," He stood up and strode closer to Chongun. "I may not be 'Zandik' or 'Dottore,' but I am the real one in charge here. I'm the only one that is useful. I'll be the one watching over you for the rest of your 'treatment.'"

"What has he done to Hisaya?" Chongyun stepped closer to the boy. He hated that smug smile on Zandik's soft features.

"Well, just what he said," the boy grinned. "He improved her. He probably altered her voice as we do with most new recruits, and since she will be a cicin mage she'll need... special adjustments."

"What is wrong with all of you?" Chongyun ran a hand through his hair. "Why would you do this to people? What did they ever do to deserve all the pain? They were fine just the way they were!"

"Listen," Three glared at Chingyun. "You have no power here. I am in control of everything that is going to happen to you. I'm not like the other two fools in this body. I know what will happen. I will be incharge of experimenting on you until you die."

Chongyun took a step away from the boy, but Three just stomped closer. "You will do everything I say," he continued. "If you don't, those two will be the ones to suffer. Now, you're going to go lay down over there and take a nice, little nap. You'll need to be well rested for what's to come."

The boy shoved past Chongyun and walked out the door. Chongyun stood frozen, unable to move even as the lock clicked behind him. He stood there until his tired legs gave out beneath him and he fell to the ground. He stared at the ground for what felt like hours. What have I gotten myself into?


Days went by and turned into weeks. Chongyun was never able to leave the cold circular room. A small cot and a few other things were brought inside, but it was always nothing more than a prison. After a few days, Chongyun managed to stay conscious after each time Three injected more of the serum into him. At the end of the first week, Chongyun managed to get some training done in spite of the pain. The pain and the world had all faded into a sort of numbness.

The only way of marking the days was when Three came in. There was nothing else. The light in these halls were all fake, Chongyun never realized how much he loved the sun.

He wasn't sure if the bigger nightmare was when he was awake or asleep. The day was filled with pain, but the night was filled with memories. Memories and blood. He saw his friends, but they were always just out of reach. He would run towards them, but the second his fingers touched them they faded away or died in his arms. He couldn't even count how many times he had seen Gisei's bloodied face or Hisaya with her sweet voice being distorted and twisted. Xingqiu was always so sad and full of pain. He read his books as always, but they never seemed to satisfy him. Everyone went on with their lives, but they all acted as if something was missing. Night after night, he wished he could give it to them.

"Time to wake up, Yin!" Three shook Chongyun awake with a nickname that he had taken to. After learning that his friends had called Chongyun 'Yun,' he made his own nickname. The proud smile he had worn when he had announced Chongyun's new name almost made him seem as if he were human. It didn't take long for the monster to return.

"We have a new addition to our schedule today," Three threw a jacket and uniform into Chongyun's arms. Three went to the open door and waited for Chongyun. He jumped to his feet and got changed as fast as he could. Do I get to leave? Will I get to go outside?!

Excitement began to build up in Chongyun's chest as he slipped into his boots. He buckled his belt and ran his fingers through the tassel Xingqiu had given him. He pushed his hair that had begun to grow long out of his face and walked over to Three.

"Let's go," Three said with a small smile. If Chongyun hadn't been so excited, he would have seen the glint in the boy's eyes and been much more afraid.

They walked through the halls of the tower and went up a flight of stairs. Chongyun's hope of going outside floundered as they climbed higher up the tower. They came to a room that looked just similar to the one that Gisei had stayed in. Chongyun froze as images of Gisei's bloody face and hands flashed behind his eyes.

"Hurry up inside," Three said with a bit of excitement in his voice. He ushered Chongyun to lay down on a metal table in the center of the room. Metal arms, prongs, and tools Chongyun couldn't identify hung from the ceiling above the table.

Obediently, Chongyun sat on the table. Three bounced into the room like a child into a party. The boy began to grab things off of the shelves and slipped his hands out of the gloves he wore. The gnarled mess of wires made Chongyun flinch, but Three just laughed at his reaction.

"It's good that you're scared." Three said, walking up to the table. "It shows that you have some brain up there. Now, take the jacket off and lay back up on the table."

Chongyun did as he was told, but still gasped as his chest touched the cold metal. "Be still now," Three whispered in his ear as he slipped a mask over Chongyun's mouth and nose. The mask filled with sickly sweet gas and the world slipped out of focus into darkness.

Chongyun was suspended in darkness. That was the only way he could describe it, all around him there was nothing more than the rare flash of light. He saw blood and metal. He saw Three standing over him with a scalpel and the metal arms descending upon him. Then it was dark again. It was dark for a long time after that. Then he heard a scream, but it wasn't his own.

He opened his eyes and he saw Three, no, it was Zandik, but he hadn't yet been broken. This was when it had happened.

~author's note~

Thank you as always for reading. I have hit a tiny road block a few chapters ahead, if anyone knows what Childe's last name is or would like to volunteer one for fun, comment your ideas :D

Chapter art posted by @Saki_Stage·ella/le/-a

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