I plopped down on the closet floor and really took in how much I should probably clean it. It's almost as messy as my life. Almost.

I heard someone walking towards my room, assuming it was Demi, I was trying to make my anger towards her disappear but unfortunately it wasn't happening.

"I don't know why," I heard Wilmer say as he entered my room, "but I'm actually pretty fucking pissed about this camping trip."

"Retweet!" I sighed.

"Why would she even like camping?! Like what made her even want too?" He asked.

"I dunno. She was looking at her phone and then she just said it." I explained.

"ARE YOU GUYS ALMOST READY?!" Demi called from downstairs.

"YES, HONEY." Wilmer yelled back. "I don't wanna fucking go. I've been dreading it sense she told me."

"Definitely agreed." I said. "We're not staying days. One night and that's it."

"Yeah," he sighed, walking out of my closet, "im gonna go finish packing."

"Alright." I told him.

Fifteen minutes later, we were leaving. They were both outside putting up everything in the trunk, so I was the last one out.

I didn't even realize I forgot to lock the door.

Walking towards the trunk, I tossed my bag in the back. I had my phone, car charger, and headphones in hand so that's all I'll need in the backseat with me.

"Where are we going?" Wilmer asked.

"I'll drive." Demi chirped, sliding in the drivers seat.

"Why do you even have a tent?" I asked, "Have you ever even gone camping?"

"Yes!" She said defensively.

"Oh yeah? When?"

"Marissa and I camped out for the first iPhone."

"Oh my god." I rolled my eyes, stuffing my headphones in my ear.

"You guys are hurting my feelings!" I heard her say over my music.

I hit pause and waited for Wilmer to say something.

"Baby, I'm so excited. I've been looking forward to this sense you told us. I'd love to do anything you want too." HE LIED.


"Awe, thanks baby." Demi smiled.

I clicked on my messages and texted Wilmer, "Really?! Are you kidding me?! You little kiss ass."

It was only seconds later I heard Wilmer giggling from the front seat.

"What?" Demi asked.

"I just saw a funny picture on Twitter."

Moments later, Wilmer texted me back saying, "😊😊😊😊"

Dumb ass.


"This is it?" I asked, stepping out of the car.

There's a space for fire, tents, a big empty circle. But that's it. There's no swimming area like she promised and we didn't pass a little store in the campground for food. So I guess we're living off the little sandwiches she bought.

"What about the swimming area?" I asked.

She unfolded a map and furrowed her eyebrows together until she said, "Ah!" And folded it back up, stuffing it into her pocket.

"Okay, Annie and I are going to go find it and Wilmer, do you mind setting up the tent?" She asked.

"No, baby, I don't mind." He said, only to pretend choking himself when she turned around.

"Let's go." I said.

We walked through a tiny trail in the woods for a good five minutes until it opened up into a big lake. Found it.

"This is so pretty." She said, looking around. "Except there's too many bugs."

"And so little service, my phone probably won't even unlock." I said, turning on my heal and walking back towards the campsite.

"It's not all about your phone, you know. It would be nice if you could just appreciate nature and the outdoors."

I laughed, "Says you. Sense when did you go all nature?"

I could feel her roll her eyes without even looking over. I can't stand her sometimes.

"I try to do something fun and all you've been doing is complaining."

"Yeah, well camping in literally 100 degree California weather with no air conditioning or fans, one small tent on the rocky ground with your mom and step dad is not on my bucket list."

"Oh so now you're too cool to do stuff with your mom? I'll remember that."

"Yeah, because that's exactly what I said." Mentally punching myself in the face right now.

The rest of the walk was silent, considering we both want to kill each other.

When we arrived, half the tent was crumpled and the other half was twisted up with Wilmer.

"Hey guys," Wilmer struggled to say, while reading the instructions. "I need some help."

"Do you wanna just go swimming for a bit and take care of this later?" Demi asked.

"That would be nice." He said, dropping the rest of the tent to the ground.

We all had our swimsuits underneath our clothes, so all we had to do was strip the first layer.

"Follow me." Demi smiled, walking towards the trail.

"So, what is it like?" Wilmer asked. "Is it a pond or a lake?"

"A lake." I answered. "Pretty big size."

"The water look gross?"

"All lake water looks gross."

I want to be on the beach with clear water and sea shells. Not green water and moss.

We got there quicker than last, and I immediately entered along with Wilmer beside me. We both swam deeper, because the moss and weeds feel gross underneath our feet.

"You guys should really put this on." Demi said, spraying herself down with sunscreen.

"Yeah, maybe later." Wilmer answered.

The lake smells funky. Can you imagine how many people have pissed in here? Probably a lot. You know how gross that is? A lot. We're swimming in fish infested human pee.

"Is it cold?" Demi asked starting to walk towards the beginning of he lake.

"No, it's perfect." Wilmer said.

Demi stepped a foot in and then started walking, but it quickly escalated when she began squealing.

"What is this shit on my feet?!" She screeched. "What the fuck?!"

"It's moss!"

I couldn't help but laugh. Wilmer and I are literally dying of laughter out here, watching Demi splash, neck deep trying not to touch the bottom. Of course she keeps failing, considering you can't swim when you're only two feet deep.

"Hurry, Demi. Out here you can barely feel it!" Wilmer laughed.

"Ew, ew, ew, ew." Demi cried, swimming further out towards us.

I looked over at Wilmer as he looked over at me and in that exact moment we were both laughing pretty damn hard and I don't think we've ever been so equally happy and miserable at the same time.

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