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My mind is just focussed on the girl I'm sleeping with. My fiancé, soon to be wife and Donna of the Italian Mafia, I couldn't be more proud but mortified of what's to come.

Her small, beautiful body that I just wish to be close to, is on mine, and sleeping on my chest. Her stunning, brunette hair slightly highlighted with streaks of blonde standing out from the dimmed lights shone against her skin.

I've always dreamt of this moment. Ever since we were little.

Vivienne hasn't preferred to like me as much, as I've always shown hatred or subtle hostility, but I've liked her even if we fought. My mother loves her mother, they've been best friends ever since they were little, so that's why we've been brought up together.

My father only told me that I'd be Don of the French Mafia at 16, preparing me for what's to come in life. But my mother taught me one thing that may seem little, but it meant a lot.

"You just have to believe. Believe in the world to let it happen. Believe in your future ahead and what is to come, sweetheart. Don't let anyone get you down. Your father has some strong potential in you, and I do too. I love you, miel."

That's what I'm going to do with life now that I have the one I need. Vivienne.

I sit up a little, leaning on the headboard slightly, kissing the crown of Vivienne's head. "Goodnight, mi amore." I say in the softest tone I can possibly do, smiling against her hair as I place another soft peck on her head.

She twitches a little, but that didn't stop me from looking down at her, embracing her beauty that's snuggled in my arms. I scroll through the missions that are upcoming, seeing whether any are important for myself to deal with, and then a phone call comes in. By Liam.

I groan slightly, sighing with what I'll have to deal with just before our flight and our wedding. We have our flight at 12 PM, and it's currently 3 AM. I barely sleep anyways, I've honestly rarely slept ever since I was born.

I bring the phone up to my ear, accepting the call that I don't want to answer right now. I mean, atleast I have something to deal with to save some free time.

"Yes, Liam?" I sigh, slightly adding a hint of sarcasm and boredom within my voice. From what I hear in the background, I hear loud clanks of glasses and music blasting from speakers that are unknown to me for now, people chatting and raising their voices as loud as they can above the music.

"Right. We have a slight problem. I'm at your club..." He shouts over the music, nearly combusting my eardrums completely.

"Yes?" I lead on, trying to get him to get to the point so I can deal with it before I have a 6 hour flight. I need to be calm, as well as be quiet. For her.

"There's a fight. I broke it up, but they smashed a window, as well as a glass. They were high, I've checked their tabs and they are around 12 drinks in. Need me to bring them to the warehouse?" He rushes on, making me hear the noise in the background as the security team notify me as a notification pops up.

"Do they need to be in the warehouse, or can you make it quick so that you can make it for the flight tomorrow?" I say calmly, but it wasn't that calm, realising my voice was on the brink of bursting with anger and frustration.

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