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My father came rushing in. In Leo's house. At 4 AM. I'm speechless. I couldn't get time to grab Bonnie from upstairs, I was startled and scared. Scared for my own fucking life.

"Fucking Vivienne. With her husband. Of course, get home now you little piece of shit." He stamps and runs through the corridors leading to the kitchen of where I was stood, grabbing my wrist forcefully.

"No. I'm not coming home." I say boldly, but afraid. I didn't want to be hurt more than I have been. I'm his favourite crime. I'm his favourite scheme to take his anger out on. Just so I could call him my father without being a disgrace.

"I'm not going to say it again." He snaps at me, but his wrist loosened, staring at someone behind him.

"Get the fuck off of my wife before I pull the trigger and shoot the shit out of you, you hear me?" Leo shouts, snapping at my father. He points the gun in his direction, towards his head.

No.. No, no. This cannot be happening right now.

As he looses his grip even more, I rip my arm out of his grasp and try to move, but I can't. I'm frozen with fear. Frozen with the risk of dying at that moment. Frozen with withdrawal and sadness, regret and grief, knowing that I could've done something but I didn't.

I could've used my knife that I was holding. I could've killed him there and then. I could've done my first ever murder.

Tears erupt from my eyes uncontrollably and unconsciously, knowing that I would've done something to make me feel... better.

My father has the decency to speak is unbelievable after what's he's just physically done to my body.

"You better regret your actions, the both of you. I am coming for you. Just you fucking wait." slamming the door as his voice erupted with anger and frustration.

My tears were flowing down my face like a waterfall in the Amazon, always on. I couldn't help it. It just happened. I should've done something.

The next thing I know, is what I didn't expect.

Leo's muscly arms wrap around my slim body, letting me sob in his arms, letting me have some decency and have some peace. A safe place from what I've just experienced.

A distant nightmare.

In my head, I'm living in my own world. Living with peace and freedom. Some people say, 'Don't image yourself in your own fantasy or world, live your life a little', but the problem is, I simply can't.

My expectance was to attend the balls my father wanted to hurt me at afterwards, criticise me for basically everything, on my hair or my outfit, or my body. It doesn't matter what mood he was in or how high he was - he was always the fucking same.

I was a mystery girl. I never really showed up half of the time, I just got black out drunk and decided to sneak off somewhere. Alone. At peace with the world.

Drinking alcohol helped me to forget about everything. I've been grateful for even having a life knowing me. I don't know why I think like this - I guess it's just my overthinking or some shit.

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