"Oh that? Yeah I read your stupid apology before throwing it away," she said and he narrowed his eyes. "I don't want to hurt you, Diana," He said in a whisper as the circle slowly got smaller.

"You don't want to hurt me? YOU don't want to hurt me?!" Her voice grew louder. "Yeah well that's a bit late isn't it? We had that stupid talk and you promised! You promised me Ave! And then you still did it!" Tears started welling her eyes.

"And then I confronted you and you dare say you never hurt anybody? Don't make me laugh you really think I never heard anything from the others?" She said with a humourless chuckle.

"You're a lunatic and you deserve to be locked up in Azkaban, and even after Voldemort was defeated, you weren't even brave enough to admit you had worked for him! And then you think it's alright to send me a stupid apology letter?" She yelled at him letting out all the emotions she had been botteling up.

"Alright, Diana, I get you're mad-" but she cut him off. "Mad? MAD? That doesn't even begin to describe it. How dare you send me that stupid letter and than still go crawling back to him!"

She then proceeded to throw another curse at him which he dodged and he narrowed his eyes and threw a curse aswel which barely missed her making her grin.

"Not going so easy now, are we?" She teased and his hand clenched tighter around his wand. "Don't make me kill you, Diana." He said and threw an impediment hex at her making her stop in her tracks for a few seconds and she was then hit with locomotor mortis, which made her fall to the ground hard.

She raised her wand at Avery again but was distracted by the yelling of a cackling witch.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Her head snapped towards Sirius and before she knew it her wand was redirected and pointed towards him.


The spells where seconds apart but Diana had hope as she was way closer to Sirius then Bellatrix was.

Sirius fell to the side but the Green streak of light had disappeared right where he stood and Diana let out a shriek and scrambled up, forgetting her fight with Avery completely.

She dropped down next to Sirius and shook him with tears welling in her eyes. She heard a scream in the background and wasn't sure who's it was.

Someone dropped next to her and she heard the distant voice of Remus telling her it was going to be alright, yet he didn't sound that sure himself.

She wiped the tears away and saw Remus holding two fingers to Sirius' neck and then breath a sigh of relief making her look at him with hope in her eyes.

"He's just passed out." He reassured and she felt relief wash over her. She looked around and noticed how the death eaters tried to disapparate away as more Aurors and order members arrived.

Forgetting her worries, Diana looked back at Sirius, who now looked rather peaceful where he laid, she heard the cackling of Bellatrix in the distance.

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black."

But she hadn't, yet Harry had ran after her without hesitation, not aware of the fact Sirius was alive and well.

Lost in memories || Harry Potter || R.A.BWhere stories live. Discover now