"This one was worse than last nights, Kashi. Are you sure you're okay?" I asked as I led him into the dining room, completely avoiding the living room. Pulling out one of the bar stools from the kitchen island with my foot, I gently pressed against his shoulders, encouraging him to sit.

He nodded as he rested his elbows on the counter and put his face back into his hands. "Yeah. Emi, I'm sorry if I scared you."

I turned over my shoulder and gave him a closed eyed smile. "It's okay, Kashi. Really. I know it was just a nightmare. You didn't scare me." I assured. 

Turning back around, I reached up on my tip toes to grab the kettle from the cabinet. I winced as I instinctively reached up with my right hand and quickly pulled it to my chest. Before I could reach again with my uninjured, Kakashi had grabbed the kettle and placed it on the counter. I looked up to with him an appreciative smile, but his attention was on my right hand. Both of my wrists had already started to bruise a dark purple, but my right was significantly worse in color and had already started swelling. 

I quickly pulled the hand behind my back and turned around with the kettle, placing it in the sink. 

"Emi. . . Did I . . . Did I hurt you?" He asked nervously. 

I turned over my shoulder and shook my head. "No, silly. My hand is just asleep, is all." I assured with a soft smile. As I turned back toward the sink, I closed my eyes with a small sigh, knowing full well that he would easily pick up on my lie. 

Once the kettle was full, I brought it back over to the stove and turned the flame on a medium heat. 

"If your hand is asleep, why is it -" He started to say as he reached out toward my hand, but was interrupted by a soft nasally voice. 

"Mi Mi." 

When I turned around, Naruto was rubbing his eye with the back of his hand. His whisker like cheeks were flushed, and the tip of his nose was a bright red. 

"Hey, buddy. Are you okay?" I asked, walking over to him and placing the back of my hand on his forehead. 

"Not really." He mumbled with a sniffle. 

"You're burning up." I sighed. "Come on, I'll draw you a cold bath and get you some medicine." He groaned as I ushered him over toward the bathroom.

"I hate that stuff. It's so sticky and tastes like. . . medicine." He whined. 

I giggled as I sat on the edge of the bath and started running the bath. "Well, that would be because it is medicine. It's either the medicine or you feeling like this for a few days." Naruto grimaced but nodded his head. "Come on, you get undressed and get in the bath. I'll go get your medicine from the cabinet."

"Thanks, Mi Mi." He sniffled with a soft smile. 

As I headed back into the kitchen, the kettle sounded, indicating that the water was ready and again I reached with my injured hand. I quickly pulled my hand back with a wince and groaned softly in frustration. This is becoming a problem. My wrist was injured, trying to help Kakashi cope with his nightmare, and now Naruto is sick. It was becoming more difficult to keep my injury from him. 

"Emi." Kakashi said coming up in front of me and gently taking my injured hand into his. Carefully turning it side to side as examine it, his eyes slowly widened in horror. "It's broken." He said softly, keeping his gaze on the blackish purple bruise that has started to spread down into my hand. 

The Forgotten (Kakashi x OC) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now