Labour 1

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Brianna Pov

I had been feeling slight discomfort for the past few day. So today I have been feeling contractions but they would come and go so I thought it was just Braxton Hicks.

Preston was doing everything he can, staying with me every time.but my contractions have been pretty constant about 45 minutes.

I was lying at the sofa with Preston by my side. When my contractions gradually became closer and closer each time.

"They're 10 minutes apart. Let's just go to the hospital" I nodded and he stood up and helped me up. Preston had already put the bags in the car so he helped me in and buckled my seat belt then went to the driver side.

The drive to the hospital wasn't that long...

When we finally arrived I was put in a room where Preston immediately called our family to let them know. The a nurse walked in.

"Have your waters broke?" She asked

"Okay, I'll give you the gown and once your waters been broken you can put it in" she said then left,

When she came back, she hooked me up in some contractions monitor.
I was now having contractions every 5-3 minutes now lasting one to one half minutes.

"Okay I'm just gonna check how far dilated you are,"

"OK, your 4cm right now" she said then left

A few minutes later, water gushed between my legs.

"Gosh I need to change" I said as Preston helped me to the bathroom  and the nurse walked in again.

"Oh your waters been broken" she smiled

"Okay, now you're in active labour, so The next stage is transition which usually lasts within  thirty to an hour. So if you feel the urge to push resist it don't do it, and just buzz for a nurse.

After she left, I got in the bed and tried to sleep...

316 words

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