Am i Actually?

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Brianna Pov

It has been 4 months since, Preston and I talked about having a baby and we both have been trying like crazy for the past months. Preston also told me to not take one if I don't have any symptoms. I lay in our bed thinking about pregnancy stuffs like morning sickness, cravings, nausea and missed periods. Speaking of periods i haven't got mine yet.

"Preston?" I say as I looked for him, and there he is I found him sleeping on the bed. "Babe wake up!" I said and he opened us eyes slowly and he smiled,

"Hi hun" He said as he kissed me, I quickly pulled away and went to my bed side night stand grabbing two pregnancy test.

"We need too take one, we'll I mean I need to take one" I corrected because I knew Preston would've made the jokes he'll also take one.

"What symptoms?" He asked as He sits up,

"I've missed my period I should have it by now i'm a week late also I have been craving a lot that I should"  He paused for a minute and thought about but shrugged it, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"Come on let's go" He said and we both walked to the bathroom with Preston. As he brushed his teeth I went to the toilet and got the little glass and dipped the test in it. After that I went to the sink where Preston is and laid the test on the counter upside down and proceeded to wash my hands.

"How long do we wait" Preston asked as I was washing my hands.

"Five minutes" i said and he nodded and he pulled me in between his legs  and I kissed me.

"Are you excited" He asked and I nodded looking up at him.

"Are you though?" I asked

"Of course I am, you might have my baby in there and I'm so excited" He touched my belly causing goosebumps to all over my skin.

"I think it's been about 5 minutes. Are you ready?" I asked and we nodded and walked together to the counter by the sink.

My hand touched the test and I lifted it bringing it closer to the both of us and flipping it over slowly.


I was pregnant.

I smiled whilst Preston looking at me mesmerized that I was carrying his baby.

"We're having a baby" He whispers as he hugs me.

"And I'm glad it with you" I said as I kissed his passionately

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