_: exactly

Jet: I'm here to help you find Appa and the others.

(Still pinned to the wall, Jet opens his hand to let a leaflet unroll.)

Aang: (turning from the leaflet back to Katara) _,Katara, we have to give him a chance.

Jet: (earnestly) I swear, I've changed. I was a troubled person, and I let my anger get out of control. But I don't even have the gang now. I've put all that behind me.

Katara: (bitterly) You're lying!

(Toph pushes past Katara, and places her palm on the wall close to Jet.)

Toph: He's not lying.

Sokka: How can you tell?

Toph: I can feel his breathing and heart beat. When people lie, there is a physical reaction. He's telling the truth. (Toph, Aang and Sokka turn to Katara)

Aang: (beseechingly) Katara, we don't have any leads. If Jet says he can take us to Appa and the others, we have to check it out.

_ walks up to where jet is frozen, tears in her eyes but she dooesnt let them fall

_: if you know where my pets and appa are, fine, you can help. but.. (raises her voice alittle) if this is some kind of trap, and you betray us and hurt my sister again, id be more then glad to hurt you servirly, make my own fire and give you long lasting perminant scares and burns, and hand you to the firelord myself... got it! im not weak! i will do it!!

toph: tho what she said was exagerated alittle, she means everyword

jet: i believe you, you can trust me.

Katara: (shoulders sagging in resignation) Alright... (suddenly stabbing a finger at Jet) but we're not letting you out of out sight!

(She stabs her finger at Jet once more for emphasis, eyes narrowed.

We cut to Jet entering a dimly lit warehouse, which sits empty except for a few sacks and a pile of canvas and rope.)

Jet: This is the place I heard about. (everyone begins looking around)

Aang: There's nothing here.

Katara/_: (angrily) If this is a trap...! (ready to attack)

Jet: I told you, I work nearby! Two guys were talking about some giant furry creature a dragon and to new animal babies they had. I figured it must be Appa and the others.

Toph: He was here!

(Toph has discovered a handful of white fur, and the other rush to her side.)

Aang: (stroking the clump of fur sadly) We missed him. and most probably the others

(An old white haired man with a push-broom crosses behind the slumping Aang.)

Janitor: They took that big thing and the others yesterday. (Aang straightens with a shocked look) Shipped him out to some island. About time, I've been cleaning up fur and various, uh leavings all day. (begins walking off again)

Aang: (frantically catching up with him) What island?! Where's Appa?! and thhe baby pets!?

Janitor: (wearily) Foreman said some rich royal type on Whaletail Island bought them up, guess for a zoo or such, though could be the meat would be good.

Aang: (anxiously) We've gotta get to Whaletail Island. (turns to the others, where Sokka is reading a map) Where's Whaletail Island?

Sokka: (glumly) Far. Very far. (lays the map of the world on the floor, pointing) Here it is. It's near the South Pole almost all the way back home. (Everyone kneels around the map.)

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