015 | spell over the west (to make you think of me)

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As your eyes slowly fluttered open, you realized the movie had long ended, the TV screen now displaying a screensaver. When your vision cleared, you realized that Bada was still there with you- her arm remained wrapped around your shoulders, and her head rested gently against yours.

You smiled at the sight of her, so peaceful in her slumber. The love you felt for her made your heart beat faster, and you knew, without a doubt, that this was where you belonged- in her arms.

Careful not to disturb her, you adjusted your position slightly, bringing yourself closer to Bada's body- you reached out to brush a strand of hair from her face, your touch feather-light. Bada stirred ever so slightly, her eyelids fluttering as she began to wake.

Her gaze met yours, and a sleepy smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Hey, angel." She murmured, her voice husky.

"Hey." You replied, your voice equally soft. "Sorry, I did not mean to wake you up."

Bada shook her head gently, her fingers tracing patterns on your shoulder. "It is alright." She responded.

You leaned in to place a kiss on her lips. As you pulled away, you could not help but whisper. "Thank you for staying with me, Bada."

"Baby." She said as she rearranged her position to mirror your height better.

You responded with a soft, curious "Mhm?"

Bada held you close, her arms still wrapped protectively around you with your head nestled against her shoulder.

"I am going to tell you something." She continued. You nodded, eager to hear what she had to say. "And when I say I mean it, I do."

Before saying a word, Bada played with your hair. Her gentle caresses filling you with a sense of comfort. She moved ever so slightly, her lips embarking on a journey, starting with a kiss on your forehead, followed by a delicate one on your cheek, and eventually landing on your parted lips. Her proximity intensified, drawing her nearer to your ear, her warm breath tickling your skin as she leaned closer.

"I want to make every day special for you." Bada confessed. Her words were like a promise. "I want you to feel comfortable with me, always. I want to be the one you turn to when life feels too overwhelming, the one who makes your heart skip a beat, the one you love the most."

Bada released her embrace, allowing you a moment to sit up alongside her. She gently sought out your hand, bringing it up to her lips- kissing the back of it, her lips lingering there for a moment. With her lips still grazing your hand, Bada's never stopped looking at you.

"Trust me." Bada said as she gave you a soft smile. "I understand that you might be worried, given what happened last year, and it is perfectly natural for things to feel a bit confusing."

With a deep breath, she continued, her words heartfelt. "But I want to take this opportunity to show you the person I have become since then. I promise you- I will not let you down, baby. I am willing to do whatever it takes to prove I am committed to us."

She paused, her eyes fixated on your expression, and Bada felt butterflies in her stomach the moment she saw a bright smile on your lips. The soft curve of your lips and the sparkle in your eyes- it all sent a rush of warmth through her. She loves you with all her heart.

"I want to build something beautiful with you. Please, let me show how much you mean to me, how much I've changed, and how deeply I care for you." She said.

Deeply moved by her words, you could not contain your emotions. You eagerly moved closer to Bada and gently nestled yourself into her lap, wrapping your arms around her as you held her tightly. Bada wrapped her strong yet delicate arms around you, pulling you close with one hand securely supporting your back to ensure you did not fall back- her touch felt protective.

"Bada." You began, gently pulling away so you could look into her eyes. "I am ready to take this step with you. It is just that I might need a bit of reassurance, but I believe in you. In just a few days, you have completely shown me how much you care for me, and it means the world to me." Your voice trembled barely, wearing your heart on your sleeve.

As you looked into Bada's eyes, you could not hide your vulnerability. It was as if she had the power to make you expose your deepest emotions to her. Your eyes, usually so expressive, were now reflecting your uncertainties.

Bada, being perceptive, noticed this shift in your demeanor. She did not need words to understand what was going on in your mind; she could feel the weight of your emotions in the room, and it only reinforced her determination to be what you needed.

Her hand gently patted your back. "I understand, baby." She said. "Trust takes time, and I am willing to go at your pace. We will do this together, and I will always be here to support and comfort you whenever you need it."

"I love you, Bada." You spoke. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." She whispered. "You will always be my angel."

You felt a sense of completeness as if all the pieces of your lives had finally fallen into place. As you lay your head on her shoulder, you could not help but smile- everything felt so intimate and loving.

Your love was beyond Bada giving you a flower, taking you out for dinner, kissing you, or falling asleep together- but the last moment enveloped a profound intimacy that made you realize just how much you wanted to be with Bada, as you held onto her right now.

The way Bada was wearing your clothes, the messy hair, the sleepiness, the tangled blanket you had tossed aside, exposing the two of you nestled together in your bed, made everything so domestic.

In that quiet moment, you realized that the true intimacy lay not only in the physical closeness of your bodies or the attraction you felt but also in the emotional bond that had deepened between you. It was the understanding and the comfort of knowing that you were safe and cherished in each other's presence.

You realize that the decision to forgive and accept Bada back into your life has been a turning point for your future. It was a reminder that, sometimes, giving a chance to someone who had made mistakes could lead to something beautiful.

Reminiscing on those moments, you felt immense gratitude for the chance to rebuild what had been broken, for Bada's relentless determination to change, and for the opportunity to let love and forgiveness guide your way forward.

[ note: i had so much fun writing this. i hope you enjoyed my work ^_^ i am planning on writing another bada fic sooo stay tunned :3 ]

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