006 | the traps we set for one another

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Upon waking up, you wanted to carry on with your day as if nothing had happened, so, with a sense of determination, you completed your usual tasks- a trip to the grocery store, a stop at your favorite coffee shop, and a cleaning session for your apartment. But, despite your concerted efforts, it became increasingly apparent that your daily routine held little power to divert your thoughts from Bada, she haunted your mind relentlessly. Her image, with that grin and an aura of irresistible allure, seemed to etch itself into your consciousness- it was not just her physical attractiveness that had you thinking about her; it was the enigmatic combination of that confident attitude and the way she effortlessly commanded any room she entered.

When you least expected it, you caught yourself in the paradox that defined your feelings towards her. You held a seething resentment towards Bada for leaving you devastated a year ago, whereas, on the other hand, that inexplicable power she wielded over you refused to wilt- it was a contradiction- a troubling mix of hate and attraction.

A notification buzzed on your phone, and an unsettling chill went down your spine as you could not shake the strong suspicion that it was Bada trying to get in touch with you, and you were right.

"So, are you telling me the time?:)"

"Or is my angel available at any time for me?"

The simple yet powerful nickname "angel" held a peculiar sway over you. Seulgi had used it in the club, and you liked it- however, when it rolled off Bada's tongue, it possessed an entirely different quality, a unique intonation that seemed to pierce straight through to you. Whether she uttered it aloud or typed it in a text message, the effect was the same- it left you flustered and, at times, even vulnerable. Her demeanor had reverted to that familiar one you had come to know so well, and it caused you to pause and carefully consider your response.

"You have 30 minutes to get here, otherwise I am not opening my door."

"Just let me know if you are actually coming, so I can fix my makeup."

You waited for Bada's response, your anticipation building with each passing second. In your mind, you had assumed it might take her a while to reply, but as it turned out, she was as eager for your response as you were for hers.

Initially, you made it clear that you would not allow Bada into your apartment. However, your stance began to shift as you considered the possibility of something going wrong and crying as a result. At that moment, you realized that you would rather find comfort within the familiar walls of your apartment.

"Getting pretty for me, I see..."

"You're definitely opening that door. I knew I'd see you soon."

You were determined to the 30-minute wait and proved it by setting an timer as a reminder. While the seconds ticked away, you took the opportunity to touch up your makeup, the uncertainty gnawed at you, what could Bada possibly want to talk about, and why did she choose this moment to reconnect?

As each moment passed, your worry intensified. You wonder about Bada's intentions and how she would handle this encounter, hoping she would maintain her composure and not exploit that dominant aura, so characteristic of her personality, to unsettle you further.

With a little over 16 minutes remaining on the timer, a sudden, unexpected ring of your doorbell pierced through the silence of your apartment- the sound sent a jolt of nerves coursing through your veins, leaving you on edge.

the soul in the past | bada leeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ