008 | a footnote in your happiness

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With a gentle but deliberate movement, you broke away from the tender embrace, though Bada's hand stayed on your waist, and her eyes remained locked onto yours. She raised your chin with her free hand- at that moment, Bada's lips met your forehead in a delicate kiss.

It was a gesture that sent a shiver coursing through your spine. The sensation of Bada's lips on your skin was electrifying and comforting and left a soft, lingering warmth.

"Bada, I..." You began, but before you could continue, she enveloped you in another heartfelt hug. This time, her embrace was different- it was as if she were holding onto you for dear life. Her head rested gently against your neck- her warm breath against your skin made you feel shy.

As she held you close, her words came in a remorseful tone. "I'm so sorry for everything." She whispered. "I know I messed up, and it is the worst mistake I have made in my entire life"

Your eyes widened with surprise as you felt the warmth of Bada's tears against your neck. The unexpected tenderness of the moment caught you by surprise, and a rush of conflicting emotions coursed through you- as you wanted to comfort her, just as she did moments ago, but you were unsure of the best approach.

As her tears dampened your skin, you could not help but let your fingers gently trace soothing patterns along her back- as your heart ached with empathy.

"Bada, it's okay." You whispered soothingly. "I will not deny that I was hurt, and I said some pretty terrible things, like claiming I hated you, but in all honesty, I have never truly felt genuine hatred towards you, and I was angry because I still have feelings for you." You admitted.

Upon hearing your confession, Bada slowly freed herself from the embrace. Her tear-stained cheeks glistened in the soft light, and she wiped them away with the back of her shirt.

With a sense of composure, Bada reached for her glass of water on the nearby table- her fingers wrapped around it as she raised it to her lips, taking a sip as if to calm herself, a pause to collect her thoughts in the wake of your confession.

A self-deprecating smile tugged at the corners of Bada's lips as she attempted to regain her composure. "So, you still have feelings for me?" She asked in a playful tone.

You could not help but giggle at her question, finding relief in the humor. "Bada! We basically just confessed our love for each other." You responded.

She met your gaze with a teasing sparkle in her eyes. "Then say it." She challenged, her voice softening as her curiosity peeked through.

You tilted your head slightly, a shy smile playing on your lips. "Say what?" You inquired, knowing full well what she was asking for.

With a slow and deliberate movement, Bada leaned closer to your ear as she spoke. "You know what I want to hear, angel."

The sensation of her proximity sent a rush of warmth to your cheeks, and you could not help but get shy at her teasing words. "Why are you like this?" You questioned, your voice trembling slightly.

A playful grin appeared on Bada's lips as she replied. "Well, I did tell you already." She gestured toward the mirror in your living room. "Take a look at yourself." Her finger pointed toward the reflective surface, capturing the picturesque moment of you both on the couch.

Bada uttered the words you had craved to hear. "I will say it for you. I have feelings for you, Y/N" She confessed, her eyes locking onto yours through the mirror's reflection. As your cheeks blushed further, she could not resist playfully saying "Aww, so pretty." admiring your reaction to her heartfelt admission.

"Bada." You softly called out her name. "I also have feelings for you." You turned to face her, your eyes locking onto hers, filled with warmth and affection, and without hesitation, you pressed a kiss on her cheek.

As your lips met her skin, it was a moment of profound significance, a tangible expression of your affection for her.

Bada, caught off guard by your action, blushed deeply, her gaze momentarily averted as she struggled to process the emotions that coursed through her.

A playful giggle escaped your lips as you teased. "Now, who is the one getting all blushy?"

"Come on, do not be like that." Bada finally managed to say as she laughed, feeling like you perfectly flipped the coin in the situation.

the soul in the past | bada leeWhere stories live. Discover now