19 - First Harpoon

Start from the beginning

Before they could fully grasp this newfound hope, the black creature struck, smashing its massive fist down where Valefor stood. Reana, Sinbad, and Hinahoho barely managed to evade the deadly blow.

"What are you whispering about?" Falan inquired, her voice dripping with suspicion. "Would you kindly share with me?"

From under the fist, particles swirled and gathered, and Valefor reappeared, shaking himself off like a wet dog. "Geez. They're so barbaric. Listen up. This is the real last trial. Show me all you got, dungeon conquerors!"

Determined and resolute, the friends echoed their readiness to face this final challenge.

"You two," Hinahoho said to Sinbad and Reana as they rushed towards the fearsome beast. "Leave it to me. It's okay; I'm not planning to kill it. It's just that you don't have your sword now, Sinbad, and you don't have enough magoi left if I'm not mistaken, Reana. To fend off that monster and pierce its chest, you need an Imuchakk to do the job. Besides, I'm sick of getting my ass kicked!" he grumbled between gritted teeth. "Don't worry. I've decided to nail it with the strongest spear!"

"Okay! I gotcha..." Sinbad began, but his words were interrupted by the beast's sudden attack, smashing its massive fist once again into the ground in the midst of their group.

"Tsk. It won't hold still..." Hinahoho cursed, frustration evident in his voice.

"Then..." Sinbad's eyes sparkled with determination as he rushed forward, gesturing to Reana. "We'll distract it! It's all yours, Hinahoho!"

"Got it!" Reana confirmed as she prepared herself for the upcoming battle. Sinbad swiftly climbed onto the beast's arm, using all his agility to remain unharmed.

Hinahoho stopped moving, his massive frame standing tall, muscles tense as he gathered his strength and readied himself for the decisive strike.

"Humph. You're just darting about like annoying insects," Falan sneered, her voice dripping with disdain. "Then, it's time to get serious."

The beast shook Sinbad off its arm with a violent motion, sending him hurtling across the room. Instead of landing helplessly on the ground, Sinbad demonstrated his remarkable agility, managing to spin in the air and land on his feet.

"What?" Falan exclaimed, visibly taken aback by Sinbad's ability to evade the most deadly blows and mitigate the impact of the others. "Damn you..."

In a sudden shift of tactics, the beast abandoned its futile attempts to strike Sinbad and opted to seize him in its massive grasp. It squeezed him mercilessly, causing him to cough up blood.

"Sinbad!" Reana cried out in anguish, her desperation evident as she unleashed a torrent of flames towards the magician in a desperate attempt to distract her. However, the creature shielded its master with its other arm, rendering Reana's attack futile.

"If it's like this, you can't evade, right?" Falan sneered, her cruel satisfaction growing as she tightened her grip on Sinbad.

Sinbad, trapped within the creature's vice-like hold, stole a quick glance at Hinahoho, who was still preparing for his impending strike. It was clear that Hinahoho wasn't ready yet.

"I'll crush you then," Falan hissed, her tone dripping with sadistic pleasure as the pressure on Sinbad intensified.

But in that critical moment, Dragul made his move. He leaped into action, driving a sharp blade into the beast's black arm, causing it to release its hold on Sinbad.

"Drakon?" Sinbad exclaimed, astonished.

"Finally... I finally get it, Barbarossa," Dragul spat, his voice filled with righteous anger. "I've been tolerating your barbarism until now, for the sake of our country and our family. But I was wrong! I won't hand Princess Serendine to someone as wretched as you! For her highness' sake, I will kill you! Just you wait! I will send you to the next world. This is my... revenge!!!"

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