[Chapter 7] A Winter's Ball Invitation (Part 2)

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John POV
I was in lunch peacefully enjoying my food, until I heard some yelling from the hallway. Over up without warning and I walk quickly to the door frame, peeking around a corner to see what was happening. Eliza was grabbing onto Alex's wrist really tightly. Alex tries to shake his hand out of the grip while aiming his body towards the bathroom, but gosh darn that girl strong.

The next sound I hear is a smack as I was about to go back to my seat. The whole cafeteria had gotten quieter when the yelling started to get louder, and some staff members stopped what they were doing to see what was happening outside of the cafeteria. All I see is Alexander looking at the scene in shock and Eliza cupping her left cheek in her hand. She starts to walk into the ladies' room, her sobs getting louder with each step she took.

Multiple gasps can be heard around the cafeteria as the scene ended abruptly with the most likely slap to Eliza's face. I turn around to go back to my seat, but before I take my first step, I see Alexander's pleading face as people start to crowd him. He wants to get of this so badly. Alex is rubbing his wrist from the harsh grasp around it, and looking around at the circle starting to form, losing his only chance at escaping.

Before any questions could be asked, the bell finally dismissed everyone to their after school clubs and dismissal. Yeah, our lunch is late, so what? Alex sighed in relief as he walked quickly back to the cafeteria to pick up his bag and leave, but obviously, Angelica couldn't let him do that.

"What the fuck, Alex! What in your right mind were you thinking when you slapped her?!" Angelica yelled at Alex as he winced at the loudness. If you've been or known Angelica well enough for a long time, which Alex hasn't yet, then you would know that she is very, very protective of her younger sisters.

"I wasn't thinking! Okay? I just... nevermind," Alex muttered as he picked up his stuff and tried to stumble toward the cafeteria door, but Angelica stopped him.

"Nevermind? If you don't get your ass back here so you can explain before I fuck you up right and left down the street!" Angelica yelled back which made Alex freeze, clutching the strap of his bag tightly.

"Look I'm sorry! I didn't mean it at al-" Alex yells out loud enough so that Angelica can hear his voice.

"Be quiet! You don't just hit someone because you don't want to go with them!" Angelica argued back to him, slamming her hand down onto he lunch table.

At this point, Alex was facing Angelica, eyes filled with tears. Everyone else looked at him disappointedly, shaking their heads at him while they were picking up their stuff to leave. He sharply turned his head around to look at me, the tears freely flowing down in his face. I had no reaction, just in shock that Alex would do something like this. I know Alex a lot better than anyone else in this school, and I can decipher him well, but right now, I can't decode this event at all. I just grab my bag and head for cafeteria door.

As I'm walking out, Herc and Lafayette walk up behind me as the other Schuyler's go to comfort their sister. They are talking about what just happened, and I feel torn. What if it was just a misunderstanding the whole time? Then if you think about it, some small misunderstanding shouldn't lead up to that. What if Alex was just that mad that he wasn't left alone. All he wanted to do was fan himself off in peace anyway.

"Mon ami? You listening?" Lafayette asks snapping me out of my thoughts literally.

"Yeah," I say while subtly nodding my head. I grip my backpack strap tighter as I'm walking off to debate club.

"Well, are you okay? I know you and Alex are close, but over one little thing, a slap had to occur. Do you really know Alex as well as you think you do?" Hercules asks in return to my response. I stand for a minute right in front of my club door, thinking about what Herc just said.

"I'm completely fine, Herc," I mumble as I stagger to the debate club door. I wave off to the others as I walk in and see Jefferson and Madison, but no Hamilton. I take myself to the back of the classroom wondering where Alex could be.

"Did you hear what happened at lunch, Jemmy?" Jefferson snickers loudly gaining my attention and James's.

"Omg, Hamilton slapping Eliza? It was downright funny! Whatever would make him do that?" James asks while trying not to laugh with Jefferson.

I roll my eyes trying my best to ignore them as I look back at the remnants of the conversation that I heard. Relaxing into my arms piled onto a desk in the back row, I start to think. What Alex and Eliza were saying was completely normal, until she mentioned me. It was something about the way I look at 'Lexi.

If it wasn't obvious enough, I have a humongous crush on him. His red, curly hair bouncing up and down any time he talked. His bright violet eyes glimmering excitedly whenever he was with me. In my eyes, he was perfect. If I just had the courage to ask him out, then I would finally be able to meet his soft-looking lips and melt into the tou-

"Earth to John?" Thomas asks while waving his hand in front of my eyes. I harshly swat it away as he starts to pull his hand back. I fold back into my past position until I hear some light thunder rolling by. Nothing but a light storm passing by, that's all. I pull my phone out of my pocket and decide to text Alex to see how he was holding up after what happened.

Me: Alex, u good?
Me: u there?
Me: hellooooo...
Me: Lexi?

Most of the time he would respond to the first text, but now he isn't responding at all. I start bouncing my leg up and down, looking at my phone to see some texting bubbles pop up saying that he's fine.

In the past 5 minutes, I still don't see anything from Alex. The rain just continues to have a bad downpour on New York. I see a strike of lightning, and that's when I remembered that Lexi has a fear of storms. This one in particular is awful, so it's even worse for him.

I get up from my chair as Mr.Washington isn't here yet, weird. I walked to the bathroom quietly and quickly to try and find Alex. When I get there, I hear muffled tears coming from the farthest stall. I walk up to it and knock on the door, waiting for Alex to answer.

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