[Chapter 5] Well, That's A Lot To Unpack

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Peggy POV

I open the door to see John and Alex, hand in hand. I smirk to myself as I let them through into the hallway. I close the door behind myself and when I turn around, John and Alex's hands are still intertwined. The bright flashing lights refuse for me to get a good view on the two and their relationship, but I try my best nonetheless. When I saw John asking for Alex's number, I already knew that John was getting the hots for him, but I mean, who wouldn't. He looks amazing, almost like if you didn't fall for him, you'd be an outcast. I walk up behind the pair, making them jump when they hear my voice.

"So, how was hanging out?" I ask, smirking at the two of them, then glancing down at their hands, which are still clasped together. They both blush and shake their hands apart while I stop to lean over them. We continue to walk through the crowded hallway until we reach the living room. It was a mess. Red Solo cups were sprawled across the floor, napkins were crowding the chairs, and it was to darn loud.

"You guys didn't even answer my question!" I exclaim to them, making both of them roll their eyes.

"It wasn't anything special, Peggy. We just talked about things, watched TV. The usual," John explained to me as I nod my head at the information.

"You sure, because I mean, inviting someone you just met is fast. Like really fast for any type of relationship, but that's just my opinion," I say back while pouring myself a cup of Sprite. John gets himself a Shirley Temple, and Alex gets a cup of water.

"Well Alex, I haven't heard anything about yourself today. You don't wanna spill any information about your past, because you kinda just... showed up," I say. I watch Alexander get stiff and look to the ground at the mention of his past. John and I look at him in worry.

"Alex, sorry. I didn't mean to shake you up about anything," I say apologetically while glancing at my black socks.

"You don't have to tell us anything if you don't want to," John says reassuringly and Alex is back to smiling while wrapping his arm around Alexander.

The three of us walk and talk to a quieter part of my house, well the mansion. My dad's got money and a big house from being the state's senator. We've practically become the number one spot for parties at Kings. We walk our way to the garden, where the bright, white moon shines above us, bringing the moonlight down into us. The moonlight always makes places look 10 times better than they actually are. We found a bench long enough for us to sit on.

"Well, I mean. I've been wanting to tell you guys about what happened to me before I came to America," Alex says and John and I glance up at him. "I know it's fast and all, but I have no other way to get this off of my chest."

"I'm looking for the straightest line through this story," Alex says while glancing up at the sky. "So I was born in Nevis, an island in the Caribbean. Fast forward to when I was 10 years old, my father left me, my mother and my older brother. Fast forward two years later, my mother and I got very ill and thankfully, I got better, but my mother..." Alex pauses. I see his half-smile go into a full frown and his eyes start to get teary. I see a stray tear come from his eye as he continues on.

"She didn't make it. Now I'm older and I move in with my cousin, who commits suicide while my brother and I are still there. Fifteen, and a hurricane comes through Nevis. It was a really bad one, probably the worst one in years for my island. My brother... got swept away by the currents, and... you know what? Nevermind, we can leave the rest for later," Alex says as the tears flow into his cheeks and he gets up from his seat. By pure instinct, I went up to Alex from behind and gave him the biggest hug ever. John joins in right after. I hear Alex gasp at the sudden interaction.

"I don't know what to say Alex. That's a lot for anyone to handle, but you've come so far, and that matters more. I-I'm really sorry for your losses, and just know that-"

"Peggy and I will be available to talk to anytime. Screw our classes anyway. I can't believe that you only get to be here for the rest of Senior year, because that is not enough time for me to know you. Though there are good and bad moments, times where we rise and we fall, people will be by your side for your whole journey," John finishes my sentence while clinging on to Alexander. I see John snuggle into the crook of Alex's neck and he blushes so hard. Like these two are either oblivious to each other's feelings, or they are already dating and decided not to tell anyone because it's only day 1!

When John is done with comforting Alex in a very weird and gay way, we finally go back inside. I was starting to get cold, the wind was getting colder and colder by the day. Winter hasn't even started yet! Lord, let us please have more weeks of fall, a beautiful season. The guests begin to trickle down until it's only my sisters and I, Alex and John, and some other people I don't bother to get to know.

"Thanks guys. I forgot to say it outside, but what you guys said really means a lot to me. You're literally the closest friends I have right now, and I wouldn't have it any other way," Alex says very thankfully. John and I both nod while patting him on the back. We talk some more about school, until we get into the topic of Jeffershi-son. Jefferson.

"I don't get how people like James can just hang around him! He's a complete asshole! That reminds me. Alex, why did you get so offended when he called you "son of a whore?" John asks innocently, and Alex grows a scowl on his face.

"People back on Nevis would call my mother, a wonderful woman mind you, a whore. She had slept with different men before she settled down and married that no good of a father," Alex said bitterly. We blink in surprise. Wow, people can be so damn rude these days.

"Thomas says he knows your past, Alex. How did he get your files? Especially on the first day," I say stone faced. Thomas is known for getting what he wants every time, except Washington. Why would he go so far into looking at someone's files, aka personal information and stuff that only the school should know if things were to go wrong? Does that mean he knows everything personal about everyone he hates to slightly disliking? Man, Thomas needs to get banned from the school.

"I don't know. Guess he can charm, manipulate or threaten anyone for what he wants, which is kinda cool but stupid and weird at the same time in my opinion," Alex replies back to me. "Is there a debate club at school? I've been looking around for any posters, but all I see is drama, art, reading, coding, and other boring shit," Alex says to John calmly. I fake gasp in hurt and both heads turn to me.

"How can you say that about Drama club? The best club to ever exist!" I pout and both of the men laugh. I start to break out in laughter too, filling our house with laughter. Man, tonight was fun.

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